clover kingdom grimshot script

| 2.28 KB, JSON | JOJO EMOTES - Roblox shooting in sahuarita arizona; traduction saturn sleeping at last; is bachendorff a good brand; Looking for more Clover Kingdom: Grimshot content? EDIT: Fixed the Code Above Edit: And if u are going to use the Martial Farm Equip it first, Sorry for all the Edit If you attempt to enter a code and it saysCode Expired, that code is no longer active and, unfortunately, can no longer be redeemed. FogColor = Color3.fromRGB(127, 127, 127), MUSIC.SoundId = SOUND[CURRENTSONG].SoundId, local MUSICLOOP = MUSIC.DidLoop:connect(function(), MUSIC.SoundId = SOUND[CURRENTSONG + 1].SoundId, MAINGUI.AreaTextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = 0, MAINGUI.AreaTextLabel.TextTransparency = 0, game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(MAINGUI.AreaTextLabel,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {TextStrokeTransparency = 1, TextTransparency = 1}):Play(), local ray =,, 9999, 0)), local hit = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithWhitelist(ray, {AREAs}), JSON | In a world where people are born with magic, will you become a Magic Knight and protect the world, or will you become a villain and destroy it? Inspired by popular manga and anime Black Clover, the game follows a. This move is one of the most powerful in all of Clover Kingdom: Grimshot as it releases a massive cyclone cloud that drains everyones' mana to zero and deals large amounts of damage. 03, 2021 Description These animations were paid for high price, so it's also high price RIP. Codes are an in-game mechanic set by the developer that gives you Yule you can use in-game to buy Magics, Martial Arts, Weapons, and more. is the number one paste tool since 2002. ps4 controller trigger keeps activating. black clover grimshot script 30 June 2022 - 21:41; Painting Supplies & How to Use Them 16 May 2019 - 16:53; The Top Interior Paint Brands in the UAE 6 May 2019 - 18:40; Milk Paint UAE 6 May 2019 - 11:41; Chalk paint UAE 1 May 2019 - 13:30; black clover grimshot script. ", for i, v in pairs(SKILLTREE.MagicInventory:GetChildren()) do, if DATAFOLDER["Slot" .. v.Name].Value ~= "" then, RemoteEvent:FireServer("RemoveSlot", v.Name, PASSCODE), elseif tonumber(v.Name) > math.min(DATAFOLDER.Clover.Value + DATAFOLDER.ExtraSlot.Value, #SKILLTREE.MagicInventory:GetChildren() - 1) then, RemoteEvent:FireServer("ExtraSlotPrompt", PASSCODE), local MAGICSFOLDER = DATAFOLDER:WaitForChild("Magics"), if MAGICSFOLDER:FindFirstChild(v.Name) then, for i, v in pairs(DATAFOLDER:GetChildren()) do, local EXPERIENCE_GUI = MAINGUI:WaitForChild("Experience"), local function UPDATEXPBAR(val, createTEXT), _G.EXPVAL = _G.EXPVAL + (val - _G.EXPVAL) * 0.02, local current_Lvl = LevelSystem.CalculateLVLfromEXP(val), EXPERIENCE_GUI.LevelText.Text = current_Lvl, local next_LvlExp = LevelSystem.CalculateEXPfromLVL(current_Lvl + 1), local ch, mh = val - LevelSystem.CalculateEXPfromLVL(current_Lvl), next_LvlExp - LevelSystem.CalculateEXPfromLVL(current_Lvl), local percentage = (ch - mh * CurvePercentage) / (mh * (1 - CurvePercentage)), line.Frame.Size =, 0, 1, 0), line.Frame.Position = - percentage, 0, 0, 0), curve1.Frame.ImageColor3 =, 1, 1), curve2.Frame.ImageColor3 =, 1, 1), curve3.Frame.ImageColor3 =, 1, 1), line.Frame.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1), local percentage = (ch / mh - CurvePercentage * 0.6666666666666666) / (CurvePercentage * 0.33333333333333337), curve1.Frame.Rotation = -90 * (1 - percentage), local percentage = (max - 0.3333333333333333) / 0.3333333333333333, curve2.Frame.Rotation = -90 * (1 - percentage), local percentage = max / 0.3333333333333333, curve2.Frame.ImageColor3 =, 0, 0), if math.abs(DATAFOLDER.Stats.XP.Value - _G.EXPVAL) > 0.01 then, SKILLTREE.SkillPointText.Text = "Skill Point(s): " .. val, local XPDATA = DATAFOLDER:WaitForChild("Stats"):WaitForChild("XP"), local SKILLPOINT = DATAFOLDER.Stats:WaitForChild("SkillPoint"), EXPERIENCE_GUI.BUYXPBOOST.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), if not LevelSystem.CalculateXPTIME(DATAFOLDER.DOUBLEXPBOOST.Value) then, game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):PromptProductPurchase(player, 135187447), function UNLOCKINGTHINGS(typeitem, array), local textlb = game.ReplicatedStorage.Rewards.XP.BillboardGui.TextLabel:Clone(), textlb.Position =, -50, 0, 0), textlb.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 229, 25), textlb.Position =, -120, 0, -50), if not (val - PREVIOUSXPVAL > 0) or not ("+$" .. ADDCOMMAS(val - PREVIOUSXPVAL)) then, textlb.Text = "$" .. ADDCOMMAS(val - PREVIOUSXPVAL), textlb.Position =, -120, 0, 0), if not (val - PREVIOUSXPVAL > 0) or not ("+" .. ADDCOMMAS(val - PREVIOUSXPVAL)) then, textlb.Text = ADDCOMMAS(val - PREVIOUSXPVAL), TEXT = LevelSystem.XPClientPerspective(TEXT), if not (val - PREVIOUSXPVAL > 0) or not ("+" .. Through Magic, players can grow stronger, learn unique moves and abilities, and ultimately work towards becoming the strongest Magic Knight or villain in the world. ! In a world where people are born with magic, will you become a Magic Knight and protect the world, or will you become a villain and destroy it? Controls: Left Ctrl to run. You can also get a bunch of free stuff via our Roblox Promo Codes page. Clover Kingdom: Grimshot is an RPG game on Roblox based off of the anime Black Clover, it includes many of the aspects of Black Clover while also adding in new things. An agility based move that's used to dash forward quickly. Showcasing Top 5 Magics in Clover Kingdom Grimshot + Bonus Magic (ROBLOX) #BlackClover #Roblox TVU 40K views 1 year ago Roblox One Punch Fighters Script Hack OP Auto Farm Spidey Hub 8.8K. ", 100), RemoteEvent:FireServer("FinishTutorial", PASSCODE), if character:FindFirstChild("Grimoire") and OPENBOOK == true then, RemoteEvent:FireServer("OpenBook", true, PASSCODE), elseif BOOKENABLINGSIDJSIDJS == true then, RemoteEvent:FireServer("OpenBook", false, PASSCODE), MAINGUI.Quest.TextButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), local quest = player:FindFirstChild("Quest"), RemoteEvent:FireServer("DeleteQuest", PASSCODE), local quest_pointer = game.ReplicatedStorage.OBJECTs.Pointer:Clone(), quest_pointer.Parent = workspace.IgnoreFolder.LocalItems, MAINGUI.Quest.QuestName.Text = REALQUESTOBJ.Name, while obj:isDescendantOf(player) and obj.TargetVal.Value < REALQUESTOBJ.Target.Need.Value do, MAINGUI.Quest.TextLabel.Text = "Defeated: " .. obj.TargetVal.Value .. "/" .. REALQUESTOBJ.Target.Need.Value .. " " .. REALQUESTOBJ.Target.Value, for _, v in pairs(workspace.NPCs:GetChildren()) do, if v:FindFirstChild("ENEMYSELECTEDVALUE") and v.ENEMYSELECTEDVALUE.Value == REALQUESTOBJ.Target.Value and v.HumanoidRootPart.Position.Y < 500 then, table.insert(NPCS_CHECKERS, v.HumanoidRootPart.Position), if #NPCS_CHECKERS > 0 and character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.Y < 500 then, return v - character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.magnitude > i - character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.magnitude, if NPCS_CHECKERS[1] - character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.magnitude > 35 then, quest_pointer.Transparency = 1.3 * tick() % 1, quest_pointer.CFrame = + NPCS_CHECKERS[1] - character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.unit * 4 +, 3, 0), NPCS_CHECKERS[1]), game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(MAINGUI.Quest,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {, player.ChildRemoved:connect(function(obj), character.Humanoid.Touched:connect(function(hit), if not teleporting_debug and character.DisableEffects:FindFirstChild("NoTP") == nil and hit:FindFirstChild("TELEPORT") and (hit:FindFirstChild("RequireLevel") == nil or LevelSystem.CalculateLVLfromEXP(DATAFOLDER.Stats.XP.Value) >= hit.RequireLevel.Value) then, MAINGUI.BlackScreen.Position =, 0, -1, 0), MAINGUI.BlackScreen:TweenPosition(, 0, -1, 0), "Out", "Quad", 1, true), MAINGUI.BlackScreen:TweenPosition(, 0, -1, 0), "Out", "Quad", 1, true), RemoteEvent:FireServer("TELEPORTINGCF", hit.TELEPORT.Value.CFrame *, 0, -4), PASSCODE), camera.CFrame = character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame, game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("GrimoireEdit"), local CALCULATEBOOKSIZES = function(TEXT), return game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(Start), return game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(idAsset), if s and curId and curId.AssetTypeId == 1 and curId.Creator.Id == STARTCUR.Creator.Id then, if target and target:isDescendantOf(workspace.Shops) and target.Position - character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.magnitude < RANGE and inBUYING == false then, mouse.Icon = "", mouse.Icon = "", elseif target and target.Transparency ~= 1 and target.Name == "Corn Mesh" and target.Parent.Name == "Corn" and character:FindFirstChild("BasketHarvest") and not inHarvesting and target.Position - character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.magnitude <= RANGE then, elseif mouse.Icon == "" or mouse.Icon == "" then, if not inHarvesting and targ and character:FindFirstChild("BasketHarvest") and targ.Position - character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.magnitude <= RANGE and targ.Name == "Corn Mesh" and targ.Parent.Name == "Corn" then, RemoteEvent:FireServer("Harvesting", targ, PASSCODE), if targ and targ:isDescendantOf(workspace.Shops) and targ.Position - character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.magnitude < RANGE then, if targ.Name == "Market" and targ:FindFirstChild("Shop") then, local MAINBUYINGFRAME ="Frame"), MAINBUYINGFRAME.BackgroundTransparency = 1, MAINBUYINGFRAME.Size =, 300, 0, 300), MAINBUYINGFRAME.Position =, -150, 0.5, -150), local SHOP_TEXT ="TextLabel"), SHOP_TEXT.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(245, 229, 54), SHOP_TEXT.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1), SHOP_TEXT.Position =, 0, 0, -50), local BUYINGFRAME ="ScrollingFrame"), BUYINGFRAME.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1), local UIGridLayout ="UIGridLayout"), UIGridLayout.HorizontalAlignment = Enum.HorizontalAlignment.Center, UIGridLayout.CellPadding =, 10, 0, 10), UIGridLayout.CellSize =, 75, 0, 75), for _, v in pairs(targ.Shop:GetChildren()) do, local ITEM_IMG ="ImageLabel"), ITEM_IMG.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0), ITEM_IMG.Image = game.ReplicatedStorage.ItemsImg:FindFirstChild(v.Name) and game.ReplicatedStorage.ItemsImg[v.Name].Value or "rbxassetid://1019185679", local BUYBOX ="TextButton"), BUYBOX.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(52, 142, 64), BUYBOX.Text = "Buy: $" .. ADDCOMMAS(v.Buy.Value), BUYBOX.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), if BUYSELLDEBUG == false and player.DataFolder.Currency.Value >= v.Buy.Value then, RemoteEvent:FireServer("Buy/SellItem", true, v.Name, v.Buy, PASSCODE), BUYBOX.Position =, 0, 0.8, 0), BUYBOX.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(248, 217, 109), BUYBOX.Text = "Sell: $" .. ADDCOMMAS(v.Sell.Value), if BUYSELLDEBUG == false and player.Backpack:FindFirstChild(v.Name) then, RemoteEvent:FireServer("Buy/SellItem", false, v.Name, v.Sell, PASSCODE), local CLOSEBUTTON ="TextButton"), CLOSEBUTTON.Size =, 25, 0, 25), CLOSEBUTTON.Position =, -25, 0, -50), CLOSEBUTTON.TextColor3 =, 1, 1), CLOSEBUTTON.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0), game.ReplicatedStorage.PartyFrame.HP.Gradient:Clone().Parent = CLOSEBUTTON, CLOSEBUTTON.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), until targ.Position - character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.magnitude > RANGE or CLOSEDDEBUG, if targ.Name == "Quest" and targ:FindFirstChild("Quest") then, QUESTFRAME.Size =, 300, 0, 300), QUESTFRAME.Position =, -150, 0.5, -150), local QUESTFRAME_TEXT ="TextLabel"), QUESTFRAME_TEXT.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5, QUESTFRAME_TEXT.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(245, 229, 54), QUESTFRAME_TEXT.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1), QUESTFRAME_TEXT.Size =, 0, 0, 50), QUESTFRAME_TEXT.Position =, 0, 0, -50), local QUESTSCROLL ="ScrollingFrame"), QUESTSCROLL.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1), UIGridLayout.CellPadding =, 10, 0, 50), UIGridLayout.CellSize =, 0, 0, 50), for _, v in pairs(targ.Quest:GetChildren()) do, return v.LevelRequire.Value > i.LevelRequire.Value, local quest_name ="TextLabel"), quest_name.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, quest_name.Text = "[" .. v.LevelRequire.Value .. "] " .. v.Name, quest_name.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.2, 0.2), quest_name.TextColor3 =, 1, 1), local button ="ImageButton"), button.Position =, 0, 0, 0), if DATAFOLDER.Quest:FindFirstChild(v.Name) == nil then, button.Image = "", button.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), if not debugCHECKINGGGG and player:FindFirstChild("Quest") == nil and LevelSystem.CalculateLVLfromEXP(DATAFOLDER.Stats.XP.Value) >= v.LevelRequire.Value then, RemoteEvent:FireServer("StartQuest", v, PASSCODE), button.Image = "", description.Size =, 0, 0, 15), description.Position =, 0, 1, 0), description.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top, description.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Right, exptext.Position = exptext.Position +, 0, 0, exptext.Size.Y.Offset), exptext.Text = LevelSystem.XPClientPerspective(v.EXP.Value) .. " EXP", exptext.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(4, 175, 236), goldtext.Position = goldtext.Position +, 0, 0, goldtext.Size.Y.Offset), goldtext.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(248, 217, 109), if targ.Parent.Name == "GrimoireEdit" then, local GRIMOIREGUI = game.ReplicatedStorage.GrimoireEdit:Clone(), if player.DataFolder.Clover.Value == 3 then, GRIMOIREGUI.Clover.Image = "", elseif player.DataFolder.Clover.Value == 4 then, GRIMOIREGUI.Clover.Image = "", elseif player.DataFolder.Clover.Value == 5 then, GRIMOIREGUI.Clover.Image = "", local MATERIAL = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic, GRIMOIREGUI.Cancel.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), GRIMOIREGUI.Confirm.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), if not debugger_click_on_checker and not FINISH then. Codes | Black Clover Grimshot Wiki | Fandom Black Clover Grimshot Wiki | Fandom Here's a look at all of the working Clover Kingdom: Grimshot codes. black clover grimshot script - These magics can be spun at the common tower. In the new window, enter the code you want to redeem in the text field. Please read the following rules before commenting: Save my nickname and email in this browser for the next time I comment. As soon as the set up course of is full, you may then take pleasure in limitless Roblox gaming! Comments are on moderation and will be approved in a timely manner. 15KLIKES Black Clover: Grimshot is now released for free! These magics can be spun for at the rare tower. Name = MAINGUI.Settings.Party["Create/Join"].PartyName.Text, Passcode = MAINGUI.Settings.Party["Create/Join"].Passcode.Text, MAINGUI.Error.Text = "Not enough currency or Party Name already existed", MAINGUI.Settings.Party.Invite.Disband.TextButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), if player.Character:FindFirstChild("OwnerTag").Value[player.Name]:FindFirstChild("OWNER") then, RemoteEvent:FireServer("DisbandParty", player.Character:FindFirstChild("OwnerTag").Value, PASSCODE), MAINGUI.Settings.Party.Invite.Invite.TextButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), local TEXTPLAYER = game.Players:FindFirstChild(MAINGUI.Settings.Party.Invite.PlayerName.Text), if TEXTPLAYER and TEXTPLAYER.Character:FindFirstChild("OwnerTag") == nil then, RemoteEvent:FireServer("PartyInvite", TEXTPLAYER, PASSCODE), MAINGUI.Error.Text = "Player does not exist or already in a party", local function CreatePartyFrame(user, TAG), if user and MAINGUI.Party.Frame:FindFirstChild(user.Name) == nil then, local p_frame = game.ReplicatedStorage.PartyFrame:Clone(), p_frame.Kick.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), if connect1 and p_frame == nil and p_frame:FindFirstChild("HP") == nil then, p_frame.HP.Frame.Size =, health / user.Humanoid.MaxHealth), 0, 1, 0), p_frame.HP.Frame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(75, 234, 50):lerp(Color3.fromRGB(234, 29, 29), 1 - health / user.Humanoid.MaxHealth), if TAG and health == 0 and not game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(user) then, if TAG and game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(user) then, game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(user).CharacterAdded:connect(function(otherChar), connect1 = user.Humanoid.HealthChanged:connect(changeHealth), if #MAINGUI.Party.Frame:GetChildren() > 2 then, for i, v in pairs(MAINGUI.Party.Frame:GetChildren()) do, if v:IsA("ImageLabel") and v.Name ~= player.Name then, while game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait() do, if MAINGUI.Party.Frame:FindFirstChild(player.Name) == nil then, if MAINGUI.Settings.Settings.Visible then, MAINGUI.BottomLeft.Settings.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(6, 147, 255), elseif MAINGUI.Settings.Tittle.Visible then, MAINGUI.BottomLeft.Tittle.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(6, 147, 255), elseif MAINGUI.Settings.Save.Visible then, MAINGUI.BottomLeft.Save.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(6, 147, 255), elseif MAINGUI.Settings.Help.Visible then, MAINGUI.BottomLeft.Help.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(6, 147, 255), elseif MAINGUI.BottomLeft.Stats.Visible then, MAINGUI.BottomLeft.Stats.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(6, 147, 255), MAINGUI.BottomLeft.Settings.ImageColor3 =, 1, 1), MAINGUI.BottomLeft.Tittle.ImageColor3 =, 1, 1), MAINGUI.BottomLeft.Save.ImageColor3 =, 1, 1), MAINGUI.BottomLeft.Help.ImageColor3 =, 1, 1), MAINGUI.BottomLeft.Stats.ImageColor3 =, 1, 1), if MAINGUI.Party.ImageButton.ImageColor3 ==, 0, 0) then, MAINGUI.Party.TextLabel.Text = "Create/Join Party", elseif player.Character.OwnerTag.Value:isDescendantOf(game.ReplicatedStorage.PartySystem) then, local PARTY = player.Character.OwnerTag.Value, local TOTALMEMBERS = #PARTY:GetChildren(), MAINGUI.Party.TextLabel.Text = PARTY.Name .. " (" .. tostring(TOTALMEMBERS) .. ")", for _, v in pairs(MAINGUI.Party.Frame:GetChildren()) do, if v:IsA("ImageLabel") and PARTY:FindFirstChild(v.Name) == nil then, for _, v in pairs(PARTY:GetChildren()) do, if MAINGUI.Party.Frame:FindFirstChild(v.Name) == nil then, MAINGUI.Party.Frame[v.Name].Leader.Visible = true, MAINGUI.Party.Frame[v.Name].Leader.Visible = false, for _, CHILDREN in pairs(MAINGUI.Party.Frame:GetChildren()) do, local myClover = DATAFOLDER.Clover.Value + DATAFOLDER.ExtraSlot.Value, if myClover >= tonumber(v.Name) or DATAFOLDER["Slot" .. v.Name].Value ~= "" then, v.ImageLabel.Image = game.ReplicatedStorage.MagicImg:FindFirstChild(DATAFOLDER["Slot" .. v.Name].Value).Value, v.ImageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://9571720", local SAFEZONEHIT = KeyModule.SafeZones(character.HumanoidRootPart.Position), if SAFEZONEHIT and SAFEZONEHIT:FindFirstChild("SafeZone") then, if not character.Effects:FindFirstChild("Safe Zone") then, local SECONDS = LevelSystem.DOUBLEXPSECONDS(), local stringvalue ="StringValue"), stringvalue.Value = "", local cooldowntag ="NumberValue"), local timeUsed ="NumberValue"), elseif character.Effects:FindFirstChild("Safe Zone") then, if SAFEZONEHIT and SAFEZONEHIT:FindFirstChild("HealZone") then, if not character.Effects:FindFirstChild("Healing Zone") then, stringvalue.Value = "", elseif character.Effects:FindFirstChild("Healing Zone") then, character.Effects["Healing Zone"]:Destroy(), if character:FindFirstChild("Effects") and LevelSystem.CalculateXPTIME(DATAFOLDER.DOUBLEXPBOOST.Value) and not character.Effects:FindFirstChild("Double EXP") then, stringvalue.Value = "", timeUsed.Value = DATAFOLDER.DOUBLEXPBOOST.Value, delay(math.abs(SECONDS - (os.time() - DATAFOLDER.DOUBLEXPBOOST.Value)), function(), if type(v) == "function" and string.match(i, "render_") then, game:GetService("RunService"):BindToRenderStep(i, Enum.RenderPriority.Last.Value - 1, v), if OTHERPLAYA or OTHERPLAYA == character then, if OTHERPLAYA:FindFirstChild("OwnerTag") == nil then, if not OTHERPLAYA.OwnerTag or not character:FindFirstChild("OwnerTag") or OTHERPLAYA.OwnerTag.Value ~= character.OwnerTag.Value then, if not DEBUG_TOUCH and hit:isDescendantOf(character) then, if array.MinRange and array.MaxRange and mouse.Hit.p - character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.magnitude < array.MaxRange and mouse.Hit.p - character.HumanoidRootPart.Position.magnitude > array.MinRange then, mouse.Icon = "", mouse.Icon = "", until character.Effects:FindFirstChild("Hit Stun") == nil, until KeyPressed[Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1.Name] and KeyPressed[Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1.Name][1] == true or Grimoire_Tool.Parent ~= character, until character.Effects:FindFirstChild("Hit Stun") == nil and character.Humanoid.Health > 0, MAP_RADAR.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic, MAP_RADAR.BrickColor ="Light blue"), local meshBlock ="BlockMesh"), local mySpherecone ="Part"), mySpherecone.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic, mySpherecone.BrickColor ="Gold"), mySpherecone.Size =, 0.4, 0.4), MAP_RADAR.Parent = workspace.IgnoreFolder.LocalItems, while TRUECHAR and not DISABLEEFFECTS_NOW do, local POS = TRUECHAR.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame, for i, v in pairs(workspace.NPCs:GetChildren()) do, if v ~= TRUECHAR and v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and 0 < v.Humanoid.Health then, local otherPOS = v.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame, if v:FindFirstChild(RANDOM_OS) == nil and Y_DIFF_MAX >= math.abs(otherPOS.y - POS.y) and GRAB_RANGE >= math.abs(otherPOS.x - POS.x) and GRAB_RANGE >= math.abs(otherPOS.z - POS.z) then, TAGCreate.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic, TAGCreate.Size =, 0.3, 0.3), elseif v:FindFirstChild(RANDOM_OS) and Y_DIFF_MAX >= math.abs(otherPOS.y - POS.y) and GRAB_RANGE >= math.abs(otherPOS.x - POS.x) and GRAB_RANGE >= math.abs(otherPOS.z - POS.z) then, local TAGCreate = v:FindFirstChild(RANDOM_OS), if TRUECHAR:FindFirstChild("OwnerTag") and v:FindFirstChild("OwnerTag") then, if TRUECHAR.OwnerTag.Value == v.OwnerTag.Value or v.OwnerTag.Value == TRUECHAR then, TAGCreate.BrickColor = BrickColor.Green(), local newPOS = POS.p + - POS.x) / GRAB_RANGE * (MAP_RADAR.Size.X * 0.5), math.floor((otherPOS.y - POS.y) / (Y_DIFF_MAX / 2) * 1 + 0.5) / 2, (otherPOS.z - POS.z) / GRAB_RANGE * (MAP_RADAR.Size.Z * 0.5)), TAGCreate.CFrame = +, HEIGHTS, 0), MAP_RADAR.CFrame = +, HEIGHTS, 0), mySpherecone.CFrame = +, HEIGHTS, 0), if not GETCONFIRMDEBUG and character:FindFirstChild("DEBUGGER") == nil then, local textbox ="TextLabel"), textbox.Position =, -100, 0.5, -100), textbox.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0), local accept ="TextButton"), accept.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 0), game.ReplicatedStorage.PartyFrame.Kick.Gradient:Clone().Parent = accept, decline.Position =, 0, 1, 0), decline.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0), accept.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), decline.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), if DATAFOLDER.PartyInvite.Value == "Active" and character:FindFirstChild("OwnerTag") == nil and MAINGUI:FindFirstChild("PartyInvite") == nil then, local ui = game.ReplicatedStorage.PartyInvite:Clone(), ui.TextLabel.Text = "You have been invited to join " .. tag.Name, ui.Decline.TextButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), ui.Accept.TextButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), RemoteEvent:FireServer("PartyAddMember2", tag, character, nil, PASSCODE), function RemoteFunction.OnClientInvoke(func_name, ), RemoteEvent.OnClientEvent:connect(RUNFUNC), local AREAs = workspace.IgnoreFolder["Area[Name/Music]"].Areas, local ExploreArea = workspace.IgnoreFolder["Area[Name/Music]"]["???

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clover kingdom grimshot script

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