ray mentzer workout routine

RAY MENTZER: TRAINING TIPS FOR MORE PRODUCTIVE WORKOUTS - YouTube For those recommendations to come close to producing maximum results, the trainee would have to extremely big, strong, and advanced. Tag: Ray Mentzer. Bodybuilding was a lot healthier then. Breakfast. Calf Raise1 1/4 reps Mike Mentzer: Mr. Heavy Duty - The Bodybuilding Archive Ellington Darden: Actually, I guess what Im saying is that if you want to get the best-possible results from HIT, you must have Arthur Jones as your personal trainer. As we discussed the topic further, I glanced across the lobby, which was in the center of four departure-arrival gates. Mike Mentzer Heavy Duty Workout Is One of the Hottest Topic in Bodybuilding. - 6 day rest - Day 2. Mike Mentzer Diet Plan, Workout Routine, Exercise, Body Measurements Naturally, isolation is an important component for stimulating muscle growth, and exercises that work large muscle areas don't have to be compound movements. Conroes head football coach, W. T. Stapler, who had been there for 10 years, told me that Hutchins bench-pressed 50 pounds more and dealifted 100 pounds more than the strongest guys on the team. Drew Baye: In Joness 1973 Colorado Experiment, how much muscle did Casey Viator gain during the first two weeks? The New Bodybuilding for Old-School Results by Ellington Darden. Overall, Im very pleased with whats happening with the book. Bodyweight dips (5 sets, 10 reps) 4. Drew Baye: When Nautilus hired you, did Ken visit you in Florida? Ellington Darden: The first thing that pops into my mind happened in Atlanta, Georgia, one night in February 1980. So, Jones refocused on his personal training, cracked the whip as only he could, and Casey responded. Ray frequently rested completely for 34 days after his rigorous training sessions. It was portable so they used it from station to station on a Marcy Multi-unit (similar to a Universal Machine). Drew Baye: Did you ever train Arnold Schwarzenegger when he visited Nautilus? What was Ray Mentzer's arm training routine? Wrist Curl, Day Two Could someone from Nautilus pick her up at the Orlando International Airport the next day at 11:00 AM? The sad story does not end here. He was observed performing a two-rep 900-pound squat during one of his evening workouts. The plain truth is that hundreds of thousands of men throughout the middle of the last century strengthened and built their bodies without drugs. Sadly, Ray passed away just two days after skipping his kidney dialysis appointment. HGH . Mentzer's dedication never wavered. Mentzer joined the US Air Force after graduating from High School. But I dont think Arnolds triceps, nor forearms, were in the same category as Viators, Olivas, and Coes. Theres a lot of the interesting stuff concerning Arnold and Arthur in chapter 5: How HIT Humbled Schwarzenegger. Arnold, for perhaps multiple reasons, couldnt get the hang of high-intensity training the Arthur Jones way. For your next workout, I want you to increase the resistance by 25 percent (which is 75 percent of your normal resistance for 10 repetitions). Surely, with the correct instruction and motivation, we can turn a reasonable percentage of them into HIT believers. Drugs, hormone injections, implants, and who knows what else, have destroyed professional bodybuilding today. Login. and a mutual friend told me that Cooper still didnt care for strength training. Leg Curl Breakdown (one drop in weight) He was thoroughly worn out and his muscles were primed for rest by the 45-minute mark. Incline Flye Mike Mentzer split What was the Mike Mentzer's training split? Advertised in Muscle & Fitness and Ironman magazines (November and December 2004 issues). Mike Mentzer's Workout Routine, HIIT Training & Diet They have a New York City office, but the majority of their publishing house in located in Emmaus, Pennsylvania, which is a quaint community in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. In fact, we ended up chauffeuring Cooper to his hotel. Mentzer's heavy-duty training system. Rodales marketing team assures me that the book will be: Excerpted in Mens Health MUSCLE magazine (September issue). So read on. Pullover It was about 20 degrees outside and the Atlanta airport was the middle of an ice storm, so all flights were delayed. And yet, Ellington Darden, Ken Leistner and Peary Rader have watched hundreds of men and women gain real muscle that was impossible for them to build before training harder and briefer. Heavy Duty: Mike Mentzer's Most Productive Routine, by John Little. Ellington Darden: When I became interested in bodybuilding in 1959, I naturally started reading the muscle magazines. Mike Mentzer Workout Routine, Diet Plan & Supplements - SPCFiTZ And, hes into the martial arts, so he does some of that several times a week. They favored lower reps so it was different than the way someone like Platz and Casey generated intensity. Sorry for the humungous post Drew; hope it is useful. None of that helped Mikes health, and unfortunately, he died of a heart attack in 2001 at the age of 49. At the contest, he weighed 215 and blew away the competition. "Many bodybuilders sell themselves short. . Soon after, the medical professionals started him on renal dialysis and added him to the waiting list for a kidney transplant. But Ken often strength trained with the team and was significantly stronger than the top players. So, be prepared to train alone. Ray Mentzer's Mr. America Pec Routine [Archive] - RX Muscle Forums Mike Mentzer 3 day workout routine - Bodybuilding.com Forums Stage Reps - Here you have a way in which to work around both the sticking points in an exercise and the lockout. Why? Here is a sample Ray Mentzer style high intensity training workout routine: Monday It was the essential basic Heavy Duty routine consisting of four to five sets per bodypart and broken into two workouts. Ellington Darden: Negative work (eccentric muscle action) was kicked around haphazardly in the physiology world before Jones came on the scene. I must point out this about Viators courage and fortitude. I took accurate measurements of Hudlow before and after, as well as photos of him from the front and back, which you can examine in the HIT book on page 202, so Ive tried to present the results in as factual a way as possible. Ellington Darden: Lou Schuler, who was recently appointed editor of Rodales newest magazine called, Mens Health MUSCLE, asked me the same question a while back. Leg Curls . Furthermore, he was generally thought of as being anti-strength training, anti-HIT, and anti-Nautilus. Because organized properly, you get better results. During the competition, Mike and Arnold had a bitter argument that was never settled, and worse, continued to fester. Does he start splitting his workouts? Anyway, review chapter 16 to find out all the how-tos. For the first time in years, Im actually very psyched about my training again. But he still added 11-3/4 pounds of muscle in 14 days. Do you want to As a bodybuilder, your goal is to increase your muscle mass. The information contained within is not intended to provide specific health advice, or any other advice whatsoever, for any individual or company and should not be relied upon in that regard. But first, the medical professionals had to determine whether Mikes kidney was compatible with Rays. Chin Egad! He built a super, heavy duty hydraulic with a control that a training partner could operate. 1 1/4 Reps - After bringing the bar into a contracted position, let it return only one-quarter of the way, then contract it again. Mike & Ray Mentzer - Gym Workout (Download) - GMV Bodybuilding Ellington Darden: Arnold had a great peak on his right arm. The last of the three exercises: extremely slow leg presses, 4 repetitions in 120 seconds, will rock your world but good. Pay particular attention to the bottom turnaround. the routines of Mike Mentzer and Dorian Yates are really the only ones I can recommend to trainees with a straight face. Rest 3 to 5 minutes I suspect that due to something about the nerve-function some muscles are really reluctant to give 100% voluntarily. Ray noticed physical changes in him that soon produced results. Arthur Jones was a genius, but he had a tendency to be abrasive with some people, and if it were not for people like Ell Darden and Jim Flanagan who were much better with people the Nautilus company and Arthurs training principles probably would not have been as successful as they are. Squats 1 Set x 6-8 Reps. iii. When Jones asked him to flex his arm, his forearm mass seemed to jettison his biceps into a much higher than anticipated mound of muscle. Furthermore, the chart and routines extend for longer than a year. Twenty reps, Arthur repeated, after asking us about his progress, hell, he can do 50 with each leg. Over the next three minutes, Viator not only did 50 reps, but 2 more for good measure. There we were with thousands of frustrated people and a couple of hours to burn. The awesome Mentzer brothers, fuelled by their intense rivalry, show what they can do when they pump iron at the gym. But since Hutchins had his back toward me, it was difficult to gauge what was happening on Kens side. Drew Baye: Ken Hutchins, the architect behind the SuperSlow philosophy, and you grew up in the same town in Texas. In his prime, Ray was one of the strongest bodybuilders, if not the strongest, with 900 pounds squatted for 2 reps. Ray is among the strongest bodybuilders I have ever seen, according to Bill Pettis. Interestingly, I replicated the 14-day experiment with another Gainesville Health & Fitness subject, Michael Spillane. MIKE MENTZER - HEAVY DUTY HIT Training For Size & Strength Having trained on Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty 1 Routine (find that book on Mike's site as well) for 2 years before losing my mind and training on the more popular 3 day on/one day off routine for 5 or 6 years, it was a blessing to get back to the lower volume and ultra-high intensity type of routine*** My Cellar-Dweller Experience He accepted Joness pushing to a magnitude that few people could have stomached. The stronger he is, the more a set of exercise can make an inroad into his existing abilities. What muscular biceps and full triceps he possessed. The insurgent 28-year-old Mentzer finished a controversial fifth and, in the aftermath, retired. Ray was concerned about this since he didnt want his brother to put too much stress on his body given that he knew he had cardiac issues. Also, my soreness from deadlifts lasted an entire 7 or 8 days! The Tight Tan Slacks of Dezso Ban: Bill Pearl Interview - Dennis Weis Not-to-failure (NTF) workouts: Several chapters and a detailed chart illustrate precisely how to integrate NTF workouts into your standard HIT routines for best-possible results. One workout every 96 to 120 hours, depending on how my . Ellington Darden: A NTF session is where on each exercise, you stop the set two repetitions short of an all-out effort. Platz sets seemed to last forever and be more painful whereas Mike and Rays sets were shorter with lower reps. Ray really liked stutter reps where as Mike liked rest pause reps. Much of it depended on where they were training, who they were training with and what equipment was available to them. When a trainee thought he was finished, Jones could always get at least two more reps from that individual. Mike Mentzer died in 2001 at 49. Ray Mentzer Arm Workout - armyourbody.com Today, if you walk into any serious gym in the United States (or in the world), doing negatives is a regular part of a lifters vocabulary. Hutchins was a beginner and I had been training seriously for a number of years. I think back then they relied on blood,sweat,tears more than juice,which sadly . Height: 5'9" Thank you for your reply; I appreciate that this is stuff yet to be fully resolved by science but for me your considered opinion nevertheless carries weight. Family, Partner, Biography, Easy easy to make Popcorn Shrimp (Perfectly Tender and Crispy), Who is Tiya Sircar? The 18-1/2 pounds of muscle occurred in 11 days, not 14. Learn how to use high intensity training to build muscle! Doing low reps with a big weight was one of Rays main training tenets. This is a reposting from 2004, during which time I was still working with Hutchins at the SuperSlow Zone. (The before-and-after photos confirmed that also.) A few years later, a significantly more muscular Mentzer emerged in the IFBB and began an incredible career, climbing the ladder of national and international physique titles, growing gigantic in the process. Mike Mentzer's Diet and High-Intensity Workout Routine - Sportskeeda Andy McCutcheon and High Intensity Training. Workout Systems: Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty - Poliquin Group Squat Hutchins lifts, he said, always motivated the players to get stronger, but none ever exceeded Kens poundages. How much of an effect an unexercised muscle receives from an exercised muscle depends mainly on two things - the size of the worked muscle and its proximity to the unworked muscle. The results in his book, The New HIT, used slow rep training with great results any reason why you passed on asking these questions? Dip But soon after Ray called it a day on his bodybuilding career, he developed kidney issues. The first bodybuilder to get a perfect score- Mike Mentzer - reddit Plus, I had a fairly good setup in my parents garage, and when I visited my parents during the holidays and summer, Hutchins would often join me for workouts. HEAVY DUTY BASICS Drew Baye: In your book, you discuss the importance of negative work in building muscle. If on Monday, for example, you performed 200 pounds for 10 repetitions on the bench press with a barbell, then on Wednesday, you still take 200 pounds, but you stop the set after repetition 8. But as I look back on my 45 years of bodybuilding experience, combined with the thousands and thousands of individuals Ive trained (and observed training), I can say with confidence that more people would profit from an understanding and application of proper form, than from proper intensity. And when an almost unbelievably muscular Mentzer materialized in 1979, once again it was due to another application of increased intensity. After visiting the doctor for a checkup in 1999, Ray got some bad news. Disclaimer: This website is an educational service that provides general health information. Rodale is the best of the bunch. Mentzer was inducted in the IFBB Hall of Fame in 2002. Net Worth, Partner, Biography. Mentzer died on June 10, 2001 in Rolling Hills, California. Ellington Darden: Hes Andy McCutcheon and hes been using HIT principles since 1988, when he trained at Dorian Yatess gym in Birmingham, England. How do you get a physique like Chris Evans? In a relative sense, the so-called easiest stage will not seem at all easy. Sadly the whole Menter family seemed to have health problems and all died at a fairly young age, the most shocking was that Mike Mentzer died of heart failure at 49 years old and Ray from kidney failure just a few days later at only 47 years old. (Creamy, Classic Taste), How to make Brown Sugar Grilled Peaches? Because thats now my age and someone needs to write sensibly for this group of men. Put simply, when you work one muscle, other unworked muscles are affected; when it grows, they growto a smaller extent, of course. Mike Mentzer's Real Workout Routine & Diet Plan His first scheduled contests under Joness guidance were Teenage Mr. America, during the last week of July, followed a month later by Mr. USA. Jones had driven from his home in Lake Helen, Florida, to Los Angeles and on the way back he stopped by Red Lerilles gym in Lafayette, Louisiana, and reassembled some of his initial Nautilus machines that he had displayed in California a week earlier. We never heard from him. Ray used the same Heavy Duty Training training regimen as his brother Mike. Who took a cookie from the cookie jar? All of us should strive to win back those previous HIT believers. Drew Baye: Who were some of the bodybuilders that you admired when you began training? The three techniques Heavy Duty prescribed most were forced reps, negative reps, and rest-pause. Thats an average of 2.85 pounds of muscle a day for 14 days. In New Orleans, a month later at the Mr. USA, Viator weighed 210 pounds and was more cut than he was when he was 5 pounds lighter. (Cooper was speaking at a hospitals grand opening the next morning.) Hutchins and I both has access to weights through the school system. Incline dumbbell fly (5 sets, 8 reps) 2. He built a super, heavy duty hydraulic with a control that a training partner could operate. We bid him good night and invited him to visit us the next day at the Nautilus headquarters, if time allowed. The result: Jones built 11-1/4 pounds of muscle in 14 days, which is not bad at all for a man almost 50 years of age. Ellington Darden: It was less than that. What do you think of his not to fail sets? Darden says that isotonic work provides more work for the cardiorespiratory system, but in my experience isometric work can also be very taxing. John Little. Work out no more than three days per week. You take your normal weight or resistance and instead of going to failure or beyond, you simply quit two reps short of your previous best effort. Mike Mentzer's brother, Ray, put three-eights on an inch on his presumably larger upper arm in six weeks, performing no more direct arm work that chins and dips. If any nontheoretical, real-life example will serve to prove the efficacy of indirect effect. Another option if someone wants to train more frequently is to follow a split routine. All of his strength plateaus were small and easily broken. It was the essential basic Heavy Duty routine consisting of four to five sets per bodypart and broken into two workouts. Drew Baye: That 18-1/2 pounds of muscle built by David Hudlow in two weeks seems almost too good to be true. However, Ray used a variety of techniques to up the ante on his training. But Dave Hudlow certainly set my personal-training record for the most muscle built in two weeks. Was their something in the environment or education system that motivated you guys into weight training? Part of the benefit of negative training is the greater load that can be managed during this phase of movement, but static contraction can also accomplish this. Over the course of several videos, the brothers put Markus through three high intensity workouts: 1. Ellington Darden: The last Mr. Olympia contest that I attended was in 1995 in Atlanta. Exercises that required a great deal of intensity in a short amount of time were the focus of heavy-duty training. 10 Top 1980s Bodybuilders - Then and Now - Tiger Fitness And it can still be accomplished without drugs today. If you are serious about your physique, youll seriously want to Are you tired, irritable, and lacking motivation? Then, he discusses how he merged his experiences into his latest publication, The New High Intensity Training Introduction All rights reserved. When Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbu visited the Nautilus headquarters in mid-November 1970, Viator weighed 215 pounds and impressed both of the professional champions. Bench Press It is thus very interesting to see Mentzer putting his own heavy duty training program in action. We can thank Arthur Jones for that. I want to focus my query on the Timed Static Contractions section because I have been dabbling in isometric & isokinetic exercises due to lack of access to equipment. Who is that muscular guy? I thought to myself. She was intending to do a series of instructional videotapes and wanted to check out the studios in Lake Helen. Net Worth, Partner, Biography, The Untold Story of Ice-Ts 44-Year-Old Daughter Letesha Marrow. Family, Partner, Biography, How To Make Pico De Gallo? Ray went to bed after a long and demanding day at work, but Mike continued to work late. The Mentzer family, unfortunately, has a history of heart disease. When Joe Cirulli, Jim Flanagan, Joe Mullen, and I visited Arthur Jones on July 29, 2004, some thought-provoking discussion took place concerning a new HIT concept. A high-protein diet was once widely regarded by bodybuilders to be the secret to gaining muscle mass. I have read before that Mike and Ray Mentzer were really into using amphetamines to train harder. My suspicion is that the physical weights have great symbolic value in the psychology of training, so no one really gives isometrics a good run. He started to sculpt his body after falling in love with the iron right away. Ray had become a full-time competitor by the age of 23. That question will go down in history with Who really killed JFK? Shoulder presses, declines, inclines, pull-downs, curls, etc. Rest 2 to 3 minutes Ray lost his fight against Bergers Disease and was found dead in his apartment less than 48 hours later. Sup with that? 2. Mike Mentzer's Old School "Most Productive" 2 Day Split Routine It felt like we were in the middle of an old-fashioned tent revival. Among these regimens was the well-known Heavy Duty Training.. While Mike Mentzer was serving in the US Air Force, he would work 12-hour shifts, and then follow that up with 'marathon workouts', as was the accepted standard in those days.

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ray mentzer workout routine

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