Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce W words in the Bible: [ wadi*; Wadi] * [ (brook, river, stream, torrent in some Bibles) - ("torrent valley" in NW) - Genesis 32:23 ftn. Congrats! ; Ezra 2:64 ftn. ; it "Apocrypha" - AW-guh-steen, aw-GUHS-tin] * [ Augustus - Augus'tus - Luke 2:1 (g828) - aw-GUHS-tuhs, uh-GUHS-tuhs] * [ Aurelian* - - dp 240 - aw-REE-lee-uhn, -REEL-yuhn] * [ aurochs*] * [ (buffalo, ox, Reem, unicorn, wild-ox in some Bibles) - ("wild bull" in NW) - (h7214); w92 6/1 31 - OUR-ahks, AWR-] * [ authentic* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - aw-THEN-tik, uh-, not -THEN-ik] * [ Autolycus* - - w96 3/15 28 - aw-TOL-ih-kuhs] * [ avatar* - - sh 103 - AV-uh-tahr', av'uh-TAHR] * [ Avesta* - - sh 36 - uh-VES-tuh] * [ Avrekh - Avrkh - Genesis 41:43 (h86) - ah-VREKH (VR pronounced soft)] * [ ayatollah* - - g87 6/22 14 - ah'yuh-TOH-luh, i'uh-TOH-luh, -TAHL-, I-uh-toh'luh, -tahl'-] * [ ayin] * [ (Hebrew letter) - A'yin - Psalm 119:121 (verse heading) - I -yin, -in (listen), -uhn] * [ Azariah - Azari'ah - Daniel 1:6 (h5838) - az'uh-RI -uh] * [ Azazel] * [ (scapegoat in some Bibles) - Aza'zel - Leviticus 16:8 (h5799) - uh-ZAY-zuhl] *, [ Baal - Ba'al - Judges 2:13 (h1168); Romans 11:4 (g896) - BAY-uhl] * [ Baalath-beer - Ba'alath-be'er - Joshua 19:8 (h1192) - bay'uh-lath-BEE-uhr] * [ Baalbek* - - it "Phoenicia" - BAY-uhl-bek', BAHL-bek'] * [ Baale-judah] * [ (Baale of Judah in some Bibles) - Ba'ale-ju'dah - 2 Samuel 6:2 (h1184 + h3064) - bay'uh-lee-JOO-duh] * [ Baal-hamon - Ba'al-ha'mon - Song of Solomon 8:11 (h1174) - bay'uhl-HAY-muhn] * [ Baal-Perazim] * [ (aka Perazim) - Ba'al-pera'zim - 2 Samuel 5:20 (h1188) - bay'uhl-pih-RAY-zim, bay'uhl-puh-RAY-zim] * [ Ba'al Shem Tov* - - sh 226 - BAY(-UH)L SHEM TAWV, BAHL SHEM TOHV (listen)] * [ Baal-zebub] * [ (compare Beelzebub) - Ba'al-ze'bub - 2 Kings 1:2 (h1176) - BAY-uhl-ZEE-buhb, bay'uhl-ZEE-buhb, not bay-EL-zee-buhb'] * [ Baasha - Ba'asha - 1 Kings 15:16 (h1201) - BAY-uh-shuh] * [ Babel - Ba'bel - Genesis 10:10 (h894) - BAY-buhl, BAY-behl] * [ Babylon - Babylon, it Bab'ylon - Daniel 1:1 (h894); Revelation 14:8 (g897) - BAB-uh-luhn, -lon'] * [ Babylonian - Babylonians - Ezra 4:9 (h896); dp 7 - bab'uh-LOH-nee-uhn, -LOHN-yuhn] * [ baca] * [ (balsam trees, mulberry trees, pear trees, spice-trees, weeping trees in some Bibles) - ba'ca - 2 Samuel 5:23 (h1057) - BAY-kuh] * [ Bacchus* (also Dionysus) - - it "Gods and Goddesses" - BAK-uhs, BAH-kuhs] * [ Bactrian* - - it "Alexander" - BAK-tree-uhn] * [ Bahai*] * [ (also Baha'i) - - w96 9/15 3 - bah-HAH-ee', -HI -] * [ Balaam - Ba'laam - Numbers 22:5 (h1109) - BAY-luhm] * [ Balder* - - w52 12/15 741 - BAWL-duhr] * [ Balak - Ba'lak - Numbers 22:2 (h1111) - BAY-lak] * [ Balthasar* or Balthazar* - - w88 12/15 28 - bal-THAY-zuhr (listen), -THAZ-uhr, BAHL-thuh-zahr'] * [ Baluchistan* - - w77 11/1 654 - bah-LOO-chih-stan', buh-loo'chuh-STAN, -STAHN] * [ balustrade] * [ (pillars, railings, supports in some Bibles) - ("supports" in NW) - 1 Kings 10:12 Da (h4552) - BAL-uh-strayd', bal'-uh-STRAYD] * [ baptism - baptism - Matthew 3:7 (g908) - BAP-tiz'uhm, not BAB-] * [ Baptist] * [ (Baptizer in some Bibles) - Baptist - Matthew 3:1 (g910) - BAP-tist, not BAB-] * [ baptizer - baptizer - Mark 1:4 (g907) - BAP-ti -zuhr, not BAB-] * [ Barabbas - Barab'bas - Matthew 27:16 (g912) - buh-RAB-uhs] * [ Barachiah] * [ (Barachias in some Bibles) - Barachi'ah - Matthew 23:35 (g914) - bair'uh-KI -uh] * [ Barak - Ba'rak - Judges 4:6 (h1301) - BAY-rak, not BAIR-rak'] * [ Barbarian] * [ (foreigners in some Bibles) - Barbarians, it Barbar'ian - Romans 1:14 (g915) - bahr-BER-ee-uhn, -BAIR-, -BAR-] * [ Baris* - - it "Antonia, Tower of" - BAIR-is] * [ Bar Kochba*] * [ (also Bar Cochbah) - - it "Hebrew II" - bahr KAWKH-bah, -vah, KOHK-buh] * [ Bar-Jesus - Bar-Je'sus - Acts 13:6 (g919) - bahr JEE-zuhs] * [ Barnabas - Bar'nabas - Acts 9:27 (g921) - BAHR-nuh-buhs] * [ Barsabbas] * [ (Barsabas in some Bibles) - Bar'sabbas - Acts 1:23 (g923) - BAHR-suh-buhs, not bahr-SAB-buhs] * [ Bartholomew - Barthol'omew - Matthew 10:3 (g918) - bahr-THOL-uh-myoo] * [ Bartimaeus - Bartimae'us - Mark 10:46 (g924) - bahr-tuh-MEE-uhs, bahr-tih-MEE-uhs] * [ Baruch - Bar'uch - Jeremiah 36:4 (h1263) - BAIR-uhk (listen), BAY-ruhk, buh-ROOK, BAHR-ook', not buh-ROOK in NW] * [ Basemath] * [ (Bashemath in some Bibles) - Bas'emath - Genesis 26:34 (h1315) - BAS-uh-math] * [ Bashan - Ba'shan - Numbers 21:33 (h1316) - BAY-shuhn] * [ Basil* [the Great] - - w01 4/15 19 - BAY-zuhl, BAZ-uhl, BAS-uhl] * [ basilisk] * [ (adder, cockatrice, viper in some Bibles) - ("viper" in NW) - Proverbs 23:32 DRB, Yg (h6848) - BAS-uh-lisk', BAZ-uh-lisk'] * [ bas-relief* - - dp 151 - bah'rih-LEEF (listen), BAH-rih-leef'] * [ Bath-sheba - Bath-she'ba - 2 Samuel 11:3 (h1339) - bath-SHEE-buh] * [ bdellium - bdellium - Genesis 2:12 (h916) - DEL-yum, DEL-ee-uhm (listen)] * [ beatify* - - g91 6/8 28 - bee-AT-uh-fi] * [ beatitude* - - w57 10/15 636 - bee-AT-ih-tood', -tyood'] * [ Beatty (Sir Alfred Chester)* - - g72 6/22 6 - BEE-tee] * [ Bedouin* - - it "Nebaioth" - BED-oo-in, BED-win, BEH-duh-wuhn] * [ Beelzebub] * [ (compare Baal-zebub) - Beel'zebub - Matthew 10:25 (g954) - bee-EL-zih-buhb, -zuh-bub', also BEEL-zuh-bub'] * [ Beeroth Benejaakan - Beer'oth Ben'eja'akan - Deuteronomy 10:6 (h885) - buh-EE-roth ben'ih-JAY-uh-kuhn, bee-EE-roth ben'ee-JAY-uh-kan, buh-ER-oth ben'uh-JAY-uh-kan] * [ Beerothite - Beer'othite - 2 Samuel 4:2 (h886) - bee'uh-ruh-thi t, bay-ER-uh-thi t] * [ Beer-sheba - Be'er-she'ba - Amos 8:14 (h884) - bee'uhr-SHEE-buh] * [ Behemoth - Behe'moth - Job 40:15 (h930) - beh-HEE-moth, bih-HEE-muhth, BEE-uh-muhth] * [ Behistun* - - it "Darius" - bay-his-TOON, buh-] * [ Behth, also beth] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Behth - Psalm 119:9 (verse heading) - BETH, BET (listen)] * [ Bel] * [ (also Enlil, Marduk) - Bel - Isaiah 46:1 (h1078) - BAYL, BEL] * [ Belial - Be'lial - 2 Corinthians 6:15 (g955) - BEE-lee-uhl (listen), also BEEL-yuhl, not buh-LI -uhl] * [ Belshazzar - Belshaz'zar - Daniel 5:1 (h1113) - bel-SHAZ-uhr] * [ Belteshazzar] * [ (compare Belshazzar) - Belteshaz'zar - Daniel 1:7 (h1095) - bel'tih-SHAZ-uhr, bel'tih-SHAZ-ahr] * [ bema* - - it "Judgment Seat" - BEE-muh] * [ Benaiah - Benai'ah - 1 Kings 2:25 (h1141) - bih-NI -uh, buh-NI -uh] * [ Ben-ammi - Ben-am'mi - Genesis 19:38 (h1151) - ben-AM-i, ben-AM-ee] * [ Benedictus* - - w99 4/15 24 - ben'uh-DIK-tus] * [ Ben-hadad - Ben-ha'dad - 1 Kings 20:1 (h1130) - ben-HAY-dad] * [ Ben-oni - Ben-o'ni - Genesis 35:18 (h1126) - ben-OH-ni] * [ Beor - Be'or - Numbers 22:5 (h1187) - BEE-or] * [ Berechiah - Berechi'ah - Zechariah 1:1 (h1296) - ber'uh-KI -uh] * [ Berenice* - - dp 219-20, 231 - ber'uh-NI -see] * [ bereshith'* - (Heb. ", Some readers like to add an extra syllable that isnt there after digraphs, such. How to pronounce biblical words is an important topic. RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f Click the PLAY button below to hear how to pronounce. Click the PLAY button below to hear how to pronounce Samothrace . If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. There is much more to the pronunciation of a biblical term than its individual sounds. - hen-DI -uh-duhs] * [ henotheism* - - - HEN-uh-thee(')-ih'zuhm] * [ Hephaestus* - - w98 7/15 26 - hih-FES-tuhs, -FEES-] * [ Hephzibah - Heph'zibah - 2 Kings 21:1 (h2657) - HEF-zih-buh] * [ Heptateuch* - - - HEP-tuh-tyook, -took] * [ Heracles*] * [ (compare Hercules) - - it "Alexander" - HER-uh-kleez'] * [ Hercules*] * [ (compare Heracles) - - it "Gods and Goddesses" - HUHR-kyuh-leez'] * [ heretic; heretical] * [ (divisive, factious, man of heresy, quarrelsome person, sectarian [man], troublemakers in some Bibles) - ([a man that] "promotes a sect" in NW) - "heretic" in Titus 3:10 KJ and "heretical" in Da (g141) - HER-uh-tik'; huh-RET-ih-kuhl] * [ hermeneutic*] * [ ("interpretive; explanatory") - - - huhr'muh-NOO-tik, -NYOO-] * [ Hermes] * [ (Mercurius, Mercury in some Bibles) - Her'mes - Acts 14:12 (g2060) - HUHR-meez] * [ Hermogenes - Hermog'enes - 2 Timothy 1:15 (g2061) - huhr-MOJ-uh-neez] * [ Hermon - Her'mon - Deuteronomy 3:8 (h2768) - HUHR-muhn] * [ Herod - Herod - Matthew 2:1 (g2264) - HER-uhd] * [ Herodian* - - it "Herod" - hih-ROH-dee-uhn] * [ Herodias - Hero'dias - Matthew 14:3 (g2266) - hih-ROH-dee-uhs, heh-ROH-dee-uhs] * [ Herodium* - - w78 11/1 6 - hih-ROH-dee-uhm] * [ Herodotus* - - it "Chronology" - hih-RAH-duh-tuhs, huh-ROD-uh-tuhs, not -ROH-duh-] * [ Heshbon - Hesh'bon - Numbers 21:26 (h2809) - HESH-bon] * [ Heshvan*] * [ (aka Bul, Marheshvan) - - it "Bul" - HESH-vuhn, -vahn, KHESH-] * [ Hesiod* - - it "Greece, Greeks" - HEE-see-uhd, HES-ee-uhd] * [ heth, see chehth] * [ (Hebrew letter) - - - ] * [ Hexapla* - - it "Versions" - HEK-suh-pluh] * [ Hexateuch* - - w59 7/15 437 - HEK-suh-t(y)ook(')] * [ Hezekiah - Hezeki'ah - 2 Kings 18:1 (h2396) - hez'ih-KI -uh. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce L words in the Bible: [ Laban - La'ban - Genesis 24:29 (h3837) - LAY-buhn, LAY-ban] * [ labdanum] * [ (variant ladanum)] * [ (gum, resin, spicery, spices, tragacanth in some Bibles) - labdanum, it lab'danum - Genesis 37:25 (h5219) - LAB-duh-nuhm (listen), variant LAD-nuhm, LA-duhn-uhm, LAD-n-uhm (listen)] * [ Lachish - La'chish - 2 Chronicles 25:27 (h3923) - LAY-kish] * [ Laconia* - - - luh-KOH-nee-uh, -KOH-nyuh] * [ lacuna*] * [ (pl. (h6210) - sahr-KAH-fuh-guhs, -KOF-uh- pl. [ Habakkuk - Habak'kuk (Bible book) - Habakkuk 1:1 (h2265) - huh-BAK-uhk, not huh-BAK-uh] * [ habergeon - ("coat of mail" in NW) - Exodus 28:32 KJ (h8473) - HAB-uhr-juhn, huh-BUHR-jee-uhn] * [ Habiru*; Hapiru* - - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - hah-BEE-roo; hah-PEE-roo] * [ Hacaliah - Hacali'ah - Nehemiah 1:1 (h2446) - hak'uh-LI -uh] * [ Hachaliah - ("Hacaliah" in NW) - Nehemiah 1:1 Da, KJ, Yg (h2446) - hak'uh-LI -uh] * [ Hadad - Ha'dad - 1 Kings 11:14 (h1908) - HAY-dad] * [ Hadadezer - Hadade'zer - 2 Samuel 8:3 (h1909) - had'ad-EE-zuhr] * [ Hadadrimmon - Hadadrim'mon - Zechariah 12:11 (h1910) - hay'dad-RIM-uhn] * [ Hadassah] * [ (aka Esther) - Hadas'sah - Esther 2:7 (h1919) - huh-DAS-uh] * [ Hades] * [ (Hell, death, realm of the dead, She'ol, world of the dead in some Bibles) - Ha'des - Revelation 1:18 (g86) - HAY-deez(')] * [ Hadrach - Ha'drach - Zechariah 9:1 (h2317) - HAY-drak] * [ Hadrian* - - it "Jerusalem" - HAY-dree-uhn] * [ Hagar - Ha'gar - Genesis 16:1 (h1904) - HAY-gahr] * [ Haggadah* - - w98 5/15 29 - huh-GAH-duh, not HAG-uh-dah] * [ Haggai - Hag'gai (Bible book) - Haggai 1:1 (h2292) - HAG-i] * [ Hagiographa* - - it "Hebrew Scriptures" - hag'ee-OG-ruh-fuh] * [ Hagrite - Hag'rite - 1 Chronicles 27:31 - HAG-ri t] * [ hajj*] * [ (also hadj) - - g94 3/8 24 - HAHJ, HAJ] * [ hajji*] * [ (also hadji) - - g94 3/8 24 - HAJ-ee] * [ Halacha* or Halakah* - - g91 6/8 29 - hah'lah-KAH] * [ Halicarnassus* - - g97 11/8 25 - hal'uh-kahr-NAS-uhs] * [ Hallelujah] * [ (also Alleluia) - ("Praise Jah, YOU people!" Record yourself saying 'philippi' in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen. words when they speak naturally, such as wanna for want to, 3 ratings. mouth. pageTracker._trackPageview(); Formerly Crenides, "the fountain," the capital of the province of Macedonia. It stood near the head of the Sea, about 8 miles north-west of Kavalla. - ZOOG-muh] * [ Zeus] * [ (Jupiter in some Bibles) - Zeus - Acts 14:12 (g2203) - ZOOS] * [ Ziba - Zi'ba - 2 Samuel 9:2 (h6717) - ZI -buh] * [ Zibia - Zib'ia - 1 Chronicles 8:9 (h6644) - ZIB-ee-uh] * [ Zichri - Zich'ri - 2 Chronicles 17:16 (h2147) - ZIK-ri, not ZIK-ree] * [ ziggurat* - - it "Archaeology" - ZIG-oo-rat] * [ Ziklag - Zik'lag - 1 Samuel 27:6 (h6860) - ZIK-lag] * [ Zilpah - Zil'pah - Genesis 30:9 (h2153) - ZIL-puh, ZIL-pah] * [ Zimri - Zim'ri - Numbers 25:14 (h2174) - ZIM-ri, not ZIM-ree] * [ Zion - Zion, it Zi'on - Psalm 2:6 (h6726) - ZI -uhn] * [ Ziph - Ziph - 1 Samuel 23:15 (h2128) - ZIF] * [ Zipporah - Zippo'rah - Exodus 2:21 (h6855) - zih-POR-uh, zih-POH-rah] * [ zither] * [ (harp, lute, lyres in some Bibles) - zither - Daniel 3:5 (h7030) - ZITH-uhr (listen), ZITH-] * [ Ziv] * [ (aka Iyar)] * [ (Zif in some Bibles) - Ziv - 1 Kings 6:1 (h2099) - ZIV] * [ Zoan - Zo'an - Numbers 13:22 (h6814) - ZOH-uhn, ZOH-an] * [ Zoar - Zo'ar - Genesis 19:22 (h6820) - ZOH-ahr, not ZOHR] * [ Zophar - Zo'phar - Job 2:11 (h6691) - ZOH-fahr] * [ Zoroaster*] * [ (aka Zarathustra) - - dp 151 - zoh'roh-AS-tuhr, ZAWR-oh-as'tuhr, ZOHR-, zawr'oh-AS-tuhr, zohr'- (listen)] * [ Zorobabel - ("Zerubbabel" in NW) - Matthew 1:12 Da, DRB, KJ (g2216) - zoh-ROB-uh-buhl] * [ Zuzim - Zu'zim - Genesis 14:5 (h2104) - ZOO-zim], Biblical Names Alpha List Showing How Many Of Each Name In The Bible, Aaron 1, Abaddon 1, Abagtha 1, Abda 2, Abdeel 1, Abdi 3, Abdiel 1, Abdon 4, Abednego 1, Abel 1, Abialbon 1, Abiasaph 1, Abiathar 1, Abida 1, Abidan 1, Abiel 2, Abiezer 2, Abigail 2, Abihail 5, Abihu 1, Abihud 1, Abijah 8, Abimael 1, Abimelech 5, Abinadab 3, Abinoam 1, Abiram 2, Abishag 1, Abishai 1, Abishua 2, Abishur 1, Abital 1, Abitub 1, Abiud 1, Abner 1, Abraham 1, Absalom 2, Achaicus 1, Achan 1, Achbor 2, Achim 1, Achish 2, Achsah 1, Adah 2, Adaiah 8, Adalia 1, Adam 1, Adbeel 1, Addar 1, Addi 1, Adiel 3, Adin 3, Adina 1, Adino 1, Adlai 1, Admatha 1, Adna 2, Adnah 2, Adonibezek 1, Adonijah 3, Adonikam 1, Adoniram 1, Adonizedek 1, Adrammelech 2, Adriel 1, Aeneas 1, Agabus 1, Agag 2, Agee 1, Agrippa 1, Agur 1, Ahab 2, Aharhel 1, Ahasbai 1, Ahasuerus 2, Ahaz 2, Ahaziah 2, Ahban 1, Aher 1, Ahi 2, Ahiah 2, Ahiam 1, Ahian 1, Ahiezer 2, Ahihud 1, Ahijah 7, Ahikam 1, Ahilud 1, Ahimaaz 2, Ahiman 2, Ahimelech 3, Ahimoth 1, Ahinadab 1, Ahinoam 2, Ahio 3, Ahira 1, Ahisamach 1, Ahishahar 1, Ahishar 1, Ahithophel 1, Ahitub 3, Ahlai 2, Aholiab 1, Ahumai 1, Ahuzzam 1, Ahuzzath 1, Ahzai 1, Aiah 2, Akan 1, Akkub 4, Alemeth 3, Alexander 4, Alexandria 1 Allon 1, Almodad 1, Alphaeus 2, Alvah 1, Alvan 1, Amal 1, Amalek 1, Amariah 9, Amasa 2, Amasai 4, Amashai 1, Amasiah 1, Amaziah 4, Amittai 1, Ammiel 4, Ammihud 5, Amminadab 4, Amminadib 1, Ammishaddai 1, Ammizabad 1, Amnon 2, Amok 1, Amon 4, Amos 1, Amoz 1, Ampliatus 1, Amram 2, Amraphel 1, Amzi 2, Anah 3, Anaiah 2, Anak 1, Anammelech 1, Anan 1, Anani 1, Ananiah 1, Ananias 3, Anath 1, Anathoth 2, Andrew 1, Andronicus 1, Aner 1, Aniam 1, Anna 1, Annas 1, Antipas 1, Antothiah 1, Anub 1, Apelles 1, Aphiah 1, Aphses 1, Apollos 1, Apollyon 1, Apphia 1, Aquila 1, Arad 1, Arah 3, Aram 3, Aran 1, Araunah 1, Arba 1, Archelaus 1, Archippus 1, Arcturus 1, Ard 2, Ardon 1, Areli 1, Aretas 1, Argob 1, Aridai 1, Aridatha 1, Arieh 1, Ariel 2, Arioch 2, Arisai 1, Aristarchus 1, Aristobulus 1, Armoni 1, Arnan 1, Arodi 1, Arphaxad 1, Artaxerxes 1, Artemas 1, Artemis 1, Arza 1, Asa 2, Asahel 4, Asaiah 5, Asaph 5, Asarel 1, Asarelah 1, Asenath 1, Ashbel 1, Asher 1, Ashhur 1, Ashima 1, Ashkenaz 1, Ashpenaz 1, Ashtoreth 1, Ashvath 1, Asiel 1, Asnah 1, Asnapper 1, Aspatha 1, Asriel 1, Asshur 1, Assir 3, Asyncritus 1, Atarah 1, Ater 3, Athaiah 1, Athaliah 3, Athlai 1, Attai 3, Augustus 1, Azaliah 1, Azaniah 1, Azarel 5, Azariah 23, Azaz 1, Azazel 1, Azaziah 3, Azbuk 1, Azel 1, Azgad 3, Aziel 1, Aziza 1, Azmaveth 4, Azor 1, Azriel 3, Azrikam 4, Azubah 2, Azzan 1, Azzur 3, Baal 3, Baalberith 1, Baalhanan 2, Baali 1, Baalis 1, Baalpeor 1, Baalzebub 1, Baana 2, Baanah 4, Baara 1, Baaseiah 1, Baasha 1, Bakbakkar 1, Bakbuk 1, Bakbukiah 1, Balaam 1, Baladan 1, Balak 1, Bani 8, Barabbas 1, Barak 1, Barakel 1, Bariah 1, Barjesus 1, Barjona 1, Barkos 1, Barnabas 1, Barsabas 2, Bartholomew 1, Bartimaeus 1, Baruch 2, Barzillai 3, Basemath 1, Basmath 1, Bathsheba 1, Bathshua 1, Bazluth 1, Bealiah 1, Bebai 3, Becher 2, Bechorath 1, Bedad 1, Bedan 2, Bedeiah 1, Beeliada 1, Beelzebub 1, Beera 1, Beerah 1, Beeri 2, Bela 3, Belial 1, Belshazzar 1, Belteshazzar 1, Benabinadab 1, Benaiah 12, Benammi 1, Bendekar 1, Bengeber 1, Benhadad 3, Benhanan 1, Benhayil 1, Benhesed 1, Benhur 1, Beninu 1, Benjamin 4, Beno 1, Benob 1, Benoni 1, Benzoheth 1, Beor 2, Bera 1, Beraiah 1, Berakah 1, Berechiah 5, Bered 1, Beri 1, Beriah 4, Bernice 1, Besai 1, Besodeiah 1, Beth 1, Bethany 2, Bethel 3, Bethlehem 2, Bethsaida 2, Bethuel 1, Beulah 1, Bezai 2, Bezalel 2, Bezer 1, Bichri 1, Bidkar 1, Bigtha 1, Bigthan 1, Bigvai 2, Bildad 1, Bilgah 2, Bilgai 1, Bilhah 1, Bilhan 2, Bilshan 1, Bimhal 1, Binea 1, Binnui 4, Birsha 1, Birzaith 1, Bishlam 1, Bithiah 1, Biztha 1, Blastus 1, Boanerges 1, Boaz 1, Bocheru 1, Bukki 2, Bukkiah 1, Bunah 1, Bunni 3, Buz 2, Buzi 1, Caesar 2 titlesCaiaphas 1, Cain 1, Cainan 1, Calcol 2, Caleb 3, Canaan 1, Candace 1, Carcas 1, Carmel 2, Carmi 3, Carpus 1, Carshena 1, Castor 1, Cephas 1, Cheran 1, Chilion 1, Chloe 1, Christ 1 titleChuza 1, Cileab 1, Claudia 1, Claudius 2, Clement 1, Cleopas 1, Clopas 1, Colhozeh 1, Conaniah 2, Coniah 1, Cornelius 1, Cosam 1, Coz 1, Cozbi 1, Crescens 1, Crispus 1, Cush 2, Cushanrishathaim 1, Cushi 2, Cyrus 1, Dagon 1, Dalphon 1, Damaris 1, Dan 1, Daniel 3, Darda 1, Darius 3, Darkon 1, Dathan 1, David 1, Debir 1, Deborah 2, Dedan 2, Delaiah 5, Delilah 1, Demas 1, Demetrius 2, Devil 1 titleDiana 1, Diblaim 1, Dibri 1, Didymus 1, Diklah 1, Dinah 1, Dionysius 1, Diotrephes 1, Dishan 1, Dishon 2, Dodai 1, Dodavahu 1, Dodo 2, Doeg 1, Dorcas 1, Drusilla 1, Dumah 1, Ebal 1, Ebed 2, Ebedmelech 1, Ebenezer 1, Eber 4, Ebiasaph 1, Eden 2), 2, Eder 2, Edom 1, Eglah 1, Eglon 1, Ehi 1, Ehud 2, Eker 1, El 1, Eladah 1, Elah 6, Elam 9, Elasah 4, Eldaah 1, Eldad 1, Elead 1, Eleazar 7, Elhanan 2, Eli 1, Eliab 6, Eliada 3, Eliahba 1, Eliakim 5, Eliam 2, Eliasaph 2, Eliashib 7, Eliathah 1, Elidad 1, Eliehoenai 2, Eliel 9, Elienai 1, Eliezer 11, Elihoreph 1, Elihu 5, Elijah 4, Elika 1, Elimelech 1, Elioenai 6, Eliphaz 2, Eliphelehu 1, Eliphelet 6, Elisha 1, Elishah 1, Elishama 6, Elishaphat 1, Elisheba 1, Elishua 1, Eliud 1, Elizabeth 1, Elizaphan 2, Elizur 1, Elkanah 8, Elmadam 1, Elnaam 1, Elnathan 5, Elon 3, Elpaal 1, Eluzai 1, Elymas 1, Elzabad 2, Enan 1, Enoch 4, Enosh 1, Epaenetus 1, Epaphras 1, Epaphroditus 1, Ephah 3, Ephai 1, Epher 3, Ephlal 1, Ephod 1, Ephraim 2, Ephrath 1, Ephron 1, Er 3, Eran 1, Erastus 2, Eri 1, Esarhaddon 1, Esau 1, Eshbaal 1, Eshban 1, Eshcol 2, Eshek 1, Eshtemoa 1, Eshton 1, Esli 1, Esther 1, Etam 1, Ethan 4, Ethbaal 1, Ethnan 1, Ethni 1, Eubulus 1, Eunice 1, Euodia 1, Eutychus 1, Eve 1, Evi 1, Evilmerodach 1, Ezbai 1, Ezbon 2, Ezekiel 1, Ezer 6, Ezra 3, Ezri 1, Felix 1, Festus 1, Fortunatus 1, Gaal 1, Gabbai 1, Gabriel 1, Gad 2, Gaddi 1, Gaddiel 1, Gadi 1, Gaham 1, Gahar 1, Gaius 4, Galal 2, Gallio 1, Gamaliel 2, Gamul 1, Gareb 1, Gatam 1, Gazez 1, Gazzam 1, Geber 1, Gedaliah 5, Gedor 1, Gehazi 1, Gemalli 1, Gemariah 2, Genubath 1, Gera 5, Gershom 3, Gershon 1, Geshan 1, Geshem 1, Gether 1, Gethsemane 1, Geuel 1, Gibbar 1, Gibea 1, Giddalti 1, Giddel 2, Gideon 1, Gideoni 1, Gilalai 1, Gilead 3, Ginath 1, Ginnethon 1, Gishpa 1, Gog 2, Goliath 1, Gomer 2, Guni 2, Haahashtari 1, Habakkuk 1, Habazziniah 1, Hacaliah 1, Hadad 4, Hadadezer 1, Hadassah 1, Hades 1, Hadlai 1, Hadoram 3, Hagab 1, Hagabah 1, Hagar 1, Haggai 1, Haggedolim 1, Haggi 1, Haggiah 1, Haggith 1, Hagri 1, Hakkatan 1, Hakkoz 2, Hakupha 1, Hallohesh 1, Ham 1, Haman 1, Hammedatha 1, Hammelech 1, Hammoleketh 1, Hammuel 1, Hamor 1, Hamul 1, Hamutal 1, Hanamel 1, Hanan 7, Hanani 6, Hananiah 14, Hannah 1, Hanniel 2, Hanun 3, Happizzez 1, Haran 3, Harbona 1, Hareph 1, Harhaiah 1, Harhas 1, Harhur 1, Harim 6, Hariph 2, Harnepher 1, Haroeh 1, Harsha 1, Harum 1, Harumaph 1, Haruz 1, Hasadiah 1, Hashabiah 12, Hashabnah 1, Hashabniah 2, Hashbaddanah 1, Hashem 1, Hashenaah 1, Hashmonah 1, Hashubah 1, Hashum 2, Hasrah 1, Hassenuah 1, Hasshub 4, Hassophereth 1, Hasupha 1, Hathach 1, Hathath 1, Hatipha 1, Hatita 1, Hattil 1, Hattush 5, Havilah 2, Hazael 1, Hazaiah 1, Hazarmoth 1, Hazelelponi 1, Haziel 1, Hazo 1, Heber 5, Hebron 2, Hegai 1, Helah 1, Heldai 2, Heled 1, Helek 1, Helem 1, Helez 2, Heli 1, Helkai 1, Helon 1, Hemam 1, Heman 2, Hemath 1, Hemdan 1, Hen 1, Henadad 1, Hepher 3, Hephzibah 2, Heresh 1, Hermas 1, Hermes 2, Hermogenes 1, Herod 4, Herodias 1, Herodion 1, Heth 1, Hezekiah 4, Hezion 1, Hezir 2, Hezro 1, Hezron 2, Hiddai 1, Hiel 1, Hilkiah 8, Hillel 1, Hirah 1, Hiram 2, Hizki 1, Hobab 1, Hobaiah 1, Hod 1, Hodaviah 4, Hodesh 1, Hodiah 3, Hoglah 1, Hoham 1, Hophni 1, Hophra 1, Horam 1, Hori 2, Hosah 1, Hosea 1, Hoshaiah 2, Hoshama 1, Hoshea 4, Hotham 2, Hothir 1, Hubbah 1, Hul 1, Huldah 1, Hupham 1, Huppah 1, Huppim 1, Hur 6, Hurai 1, Huram 1, Huri 1, Hushah 1, Hushai 1, Husham 1, Hushim 1, Hymenaeus 1, Ibhar 1, Ibneiah 1, Ibri 1, Ibsam 1, Ibzan 1, Ichabod 1, Idbash 1, Iddo 6, Igal 3, Igdaliah 1, Ikkesh 1, Ilai 1, Imla 1, Immanuel 1, Immer 5, Imna 1, Imnah 2, Imrah 1, Imri 2, Iphedeiah 1, Ir 1, Ira 3, Irad 1, Iram 1, Iri 1, Irijah 1, Irnahash 1, Iru 1, Isaac 1, Isaiah 5, Iscah 1, Iscariot 1, Ishbah 1, Ishbak 1, Ishbosheth 2, Ishhod 1, Ishi 4, Ishijah 1, Ishma 1, Ishmael 6, Ishmaiah 2, Ishmerai 1, Ishpah 1, Ishpan 1, Ishvah 1, Ishvi 2, Ismachiah 1, Israel 1, Issachar 1, Isshiah 4, Ithamar 1, Ithiel 2, Ithmah 1, Ithran 2, Ithream 1, Ittai 2, Izhar 1, Izrahiah 1, Izri 1, Izziah 1, Jaakan 1, Jaakobah 1, Jaala 1, Jaalam 1, Jaanai 1, Jaareshiah 1, Jaasau 1, Jaasiel 1, Jaazaniah 4, Jaaziah 1, Jaaziel 1, Jabal 1, Jabesh 1, Jabez 1, Jabin 2, Jachan 1, Jachin 3, Jacob 1, Jada 1, Jaddai 1, Jaddua 2, Jadon 1, Jael 1, Jahath 5, Jahaziel 5, Jahdai 1, Jahdiel 1, Jahdo 1, Jahleel 1, Jahmai 1, Jahzeel 1, Jahzeiah 1, Jahzerah 1, Jair 4, Jairus 1, Jakeh 1, Jakim 2, Jalon 1, Jambres 1, James 4, Jamin 3, Jamlech 1, Jannai 1, Jannes 1, Japheth 1, Japhia 2, Jarah 1, Jareb 1, Jared 1, Jarha 1, Jarib 3, Jaroah 1, Jashar 1, Jashen 1, Jashobeam 2, Jashub 2, Jashubilehem 1, Jason 1, Jathniel 1, Javan 1, Jaziz 1, Jeaterai 1, Jeberechiah 1, Jecoliah 1, Jedaiah 5, Jediael 4, Jedidah 1, Jedidiah 1, Jeduthun 1, Jeezer 1, Jehallelel 2, Jehath 1, Jehdeiah 2, Jehezkel 1, Jehiah 1, Jehiel 10, Jehieli 1, Jehizkiah 1, Jehoaddah 1, Jehoaddin 1, Jehoahaz 3, Jehoash 1, Jehohanan 6, Jehoiachin 1, Jehoiada 5, Jehoiakim 1, Jehoiarib 2, Jehonathan 2, Jehoram 2, Jehoshaphat 4, Jehosheba 1, Jehozabad 3, Jehozadak 1, Jehu 5, Jehubbah 1, Jehucal 1, Jehudi 1, Jehudijah 1, Jeiel 10, Jekameam 1, Jekamiah 2, Jekuthiel 1, Jemimah 1, Jemuel 1, Jephthah 1, Jephunneh 2, Jerah 1, Jerahmeel 3, Jered 1, Jeremai 1, Jeremiah 7, Jeremoth 5, Jeriah 1, Jeribai 1, Jericho 1, Jeriel 1, Jerimoth 7, Jerioth 1, Jeroboam 2, Jeroham 7, Jerubbaal 1, Jerubbesheth 1, Jerusalem 1, Jerusha 1, Jeshaiah 6, Jeshebeab 1, Jesher 1, Jeshishai 1, Jeshohaiah 1, Jeshua 10, Jesimel 1, Jesse 1, Jesus 2, Jether 5, Jetheth 1, Jethro 1, Jetur 1, Jeuel 3, Jeush 5, Jeuz 1, Jezaniah 1, Jezebel 1, Jezer 1, Jeziel 1, Jezliah 1, Jezoar 1, Jezrahiah 2, Jezreel 1, Jibsam 1, Jidlaph 1, Joab 3, Joah 4, Joahaz 1, Joanna 1, Joash 7, Job 1, Jobab 5, Jochebed 1, Joda 1, Joed 1, Joel 14, Joelah 1, Joezer 1, Jogli 1, Joha 2, Johanan 12, John 5, Joiada 2, Joiakim 1, Joiarib 4, Jokim 1, Jokshan 1, Joktan 1, Jonadab 2, Jonah 1, Jonam 1, Jonathan 14, Jorah 1, Jorai 1, Joram 3, Jordan 1, Jorim 1, Jorkoam 1, Josech 1, Joseph 14, Joshah 1, Joshaphat 2, Joshaviah 1, Joshbekashah 1, Joshibiah 1, Joshua 4, Josiah 2, Josiphiah 1, Jotham 3, Jozabad 10, Jozachar 1, Jubal 1, Judah 6, Judas 6, Jude 1, Judith 1, Julia 1, Julius 1, Junia 1, Jushabhesed 1, Justus 3, Kadmiel 2, Kallai 1, Kareah 1, Kedar 1, Kedemah 1, Kedorlaomer 1, Keilah 1, Kelaiah 1, Kelal 1, Kelub 2, Keluhi 1, Kemosh 1, Kemuel 3, Kenaanah 2, Kenan 1, Kenani 1, Kenaniah 2, Kenaz 4, Kerenhappuch 1, Keros 1, Kerub 1, Kesed 1, Keturah 1, Keziah 1, Kimham 1, Kish 5, Kishi 1, Kislon 1, Kohath 1, Kolaiah 2, Korah 4, Kore 2, Laadah 1, Laadan 2, Laban 1, Lael 1, Lahad 1, Lahmi 1, Laish 1, Lamech 2, Lappidoth 1, Lazarus 2, Leah 1, Lebanah 1, Lebbaeus 1, Lehi 1, Lemuel 1, Levi 4, Libni 2, Likhi 1, Linus 1, Loammi 1, Lois 1, Loruhamah 1, Lot 1, Lotan 1, Lucifer 1, Lucius 2, Lud 1, Luke 1, Lydia 1, Lysanias 1, Lysias 1, Maachah 9, Maadai 1, Maadiah 1, Maai 1, Maasai 1, Maaseiah 18, Maath 1, Maaz 1, Maaziah 2, Machbanai 1, Machbenah 1, Machi 1, Machir 2, Madai 1, Madmannah 1, Magbish 1, Magdala 1, Magdalene 1, Magdiel 1, Magog 1, Magormissabib 1, Magpiash 1, Mahalalel 2, Mahalath 2, Maharai 1, Mahasham 1, Mahath 2, Mahazioth 1, Mahershalalhashbaz 1, Mahlah 2, Mahli 2, Mahlon 1, Mahol 1, Maknadebai 1, Malachi 1, Malcham 1, Malchiah 13, Malchiel 1, Malchiram 1, Malchishua 1, Malchus 1, Mallothi 1, Malluch 6, Mamre 1, Manaen 1, Manahath 1, Manasseh 5, Manoah 1, Maoch 1, Maon 1, Mara 1, Marduk 1, Mareshah 1, Mark 1, Marsena 1, Martha 1, Mary 6, Mash 1, Massa 1, Matred 1, Matri 1, Mattan 2, Mattaniah 10, Mattatha 1, Mattathias 2, Mattattah 1, Mattenai 3, Matthan 1, Matthat 2, Matthew 1, Matthias 1, Mattithiah 5, Mebunnai 1, Medad 1, Medan 1, Mehetabel 2, Mehida 1, Mehir 1, Mehujael 1, Mehuman 1, Melatiah 1, Melchi 2, Melchizedek 1, Melea 1, Melech 1, Memucan 1, Menahem 1, Meni 1, Menna 1, Meonenim 1, Meonothai 1, Mephibosheth 2, Merab 1, Meraiah 1, Meraioth 3, Merari 1, Mered 1, Meremoth 4, Meres 1, Meribbaal 1, Merodachbaladan 1, Mesha 3, Meshach 1, Meshech 1, Meshelemiah 1, Meshezabel 3, Meshillemith 1, Meshillemoth 2, Meshobab 1, Meshullam 21, Meshullemeth 1, Messiah 1 titleMethuselah 1, Methushael 1, Mezahab 1, Mibhar 1, Mibsam 2, Mibzar 1, Mica 1, Micah 7, Micaiah 5, Michael 10, Michal 1, Micri 1, Midian 1, Mijamin 4, Mikloth 2, Mikneiah 1, Milalai 1, Milcah 2, Milcom 1, Miniamin 3, Miriam 2, Mirmah 1, Mishael 3, Misham 1, Mishma 2, Mishmannah 1, Mispar 1, Mithredath 2, Mizraim 1, Mizzah 1, Mnason 1, Moab 1, Molech 1, Molid 1, Mordecai 1, Moriah 1, Moses 1, Moza 2, Muppim 1, Mushi 1, Myra 1, Naam 1, Naamah 2, Naaman 4, Naarah 1, Naarai 1, Nabal 1, Naboth 1, Nachon 1, Nadab 4, Naggai 1, Naham 1, Nahamani 1, Naharai 1, Nahash 3, Nahath 3, Nahbi 1, Nahor 2, Nahshon 1, Nahum 2, Naomi 1, Naphish 1, Naphtali 1, Narcissus 1, Nathan 6, Nathanael 1, Nathanmelech 1, Nazarene 1 titleNazareth 1, Neariah 2, Nebai 1, Nebaioth 1, Nebat 1, Nebo 2, Nebuchadnezzar 1, Nebusarsekim 1, Nebushazban 1, Nebuzaradan 1, Necho 1, Nedabiah 1, Nehemiah 3, Nehushta 1, Nekoda 1, Nemuel 2, Nepheg 2, Ner 2, Nereus 1, Nergal 1, Nergalsarezer 2, Neri 1, Neriah 1, Nethanel 10, Nethaniah 4, Neziah 1, Nezib 1, Nibhaz 1, Nicanor 1, Nicodemus 1, Nicolas 1, Niger 1, Nimrod 1, Nimshi 1, Nisroch 1, Noadiah 2, Noah 2, Nobah 1, Nod 1, Nogah 1, Nohah 1, Nun 1, Nympha 1, Obadiah 13, Obal 1, Obed 5, Obededom 3, Obil 1, Ochran 1, Oded 2, Og 1, Ohad 1, Ohel 1, Oholah 1, Oholibah 1, Oholibamah 2, Olympas 1, Omar 1, Omri 4, On 1, Onam 1, Onan 1, Onesimus 1, Onesiphorus 1, Ophir 1, Ophrah 1, Oreb 1, Oren 1, Orion 1, Orpah 1, Othni 1, Othniel 1, Ozem 2, Ozni 1, Paarai 1, Padon 1, Pagiel 1, Pahathmoab 1, Palel 1, Pallu 1, Palti 2, Paltiel 1, Parmashta 1, Parmenas 1, Parnach 1, Parosh 1, Parshandatha 1, Paruah 1, Pasach 1, Paseah 3, Pashhur 3, Patrobas 1, Paul 1, Paulus 1, Pedahel 1, Pedahzur 1, Pedaiah 7, Pekah 1, Pekahiah 1, Pelaiah 2, Pelaliah 1, Pelatiah 4, Peleg 1, Pelet 2, Peleth 2, Peninnah 1, Penuel 2, Peresh 1, Perez 1, Persis 1, Peruda 1, Peter 1, Pethahiah 4, Pethuel 1, Peulthai 1, Phanuel 1, Pharaoh 8 titlesPhicol 1, Philemon 1, Philetus 1, Philip 3, Philologus 1, Phinehas 3, Phlegon 1, Phoebe 1, Phygelus 1, Pilate 1, Pildash 1, Pilha 1, Piltai 1, Pinon 1, Piram 1, Pispah 1, Pithon 1, Pocherethhazzebaim 1, Pollux 1, Pontius 1, Poratha 1, Porcius 1, Potiphar 1, Potiphera 1, Priscilla 1, Prochorus 1, Pua 1, Puah 2, Publius 1, Pudens 1, Pul 1, Purah 1, Put 1, Putiel 1, Pyrrhus 1, Quartus 1, Quirinus 1, Raamah 1, Raamiah 1, Rabmag 1, Rabsaris 1, Rabshakeh 1, Rachel 1, Raddai 1, Rahab 2, Raham 1, Rakem 1, Ram 3, Ramiah 1, Rapha 1, Raphah 1, Raphu 1, Reaiah 3, Reba 1, Rebecca 1, Rechab 3, Reelaiah 1, Regem 1, Regemmelech 1, Rehabiah 1, Rehob 2, Rehoboam 1, Rehum 5, Rei 1, Rekem 2, Remaliah 1, Rephael 1, Rephah 1, Rephaiah 4, Rephan 1, Resheph 1, Reu 1, Reuben 1, Reuel 4, Reumah 1, Rezia 1, Rezin 2, Rezon 1, Rhesa 1, Rhoda 1, Ribai 1, Rimmon 2, Rinnah 1, Riphath 1, Rizpah 1, Rodanim 1, Rohgah 1, Romamtiezer 1, Rosh 1, Rufus 2, Ruhamah 1, Ruth 1, Sabtah 1, Sabtecha 1, Sacar 2, Sachiah 1, Sallai 1, Sallu 2, Salmon 1, Salome 2, Salu 1, Samgarnebo 1, Samlah 1, Samson 1, Samuel 2, Sanballat 1, Saph 1, Sapphira 1, Sarah 1, Saraph 1, Sargon 1, Satan 1, Saul 5, Sceva 1, Seba 1, Secundus 1, Segub 2, Seir 1, Seled 1, Semachiah 1, Semein 1, Senaah 1, Sennacherib 1, Seorim 1, Serah 1, Seraiah 10, Sered 1, Sergius 1, Serug 1, Seth 1, Sethur 1, Shaaph 2, Shaashgaz 1, Shabbethai 1, Shaddai 1, Shadrach 1, Shage 1, Shaharaim 1, Shallum 14, Shallun 1, Shalmai 1, Shalman 1, Shalmaneser 1, Shama 1, Shamed 1, Shamgar 1, Shamir 1, Shamma 1, Shammah 4, Shammua 4, Shamsherai 1, Shapham 1, Shaphan 4, Shaphat 5, Sharai 1, Sharar 1, Sharezer 2, Sharon 1, Shashai 1, Shashak 1, Shavsha 1, Sheal 1, Shealtiel 1, Sheariah 1, Shearjashub 1, Sheba 6), 1, Shebaniah 5, Sheber 1, Shebna 2, Shecaniah 9, Shechem 3, Shedeur 1, Shehariah 1, Shelah 3, Shelemiah 8, Sheleph 1, Shelesh 1, Shelomi 1, Shelomith 4, Shelomoth 4, Shelumiel 1, Shem 1, Shema 4, Shemaah 1, Shemaiah 27, Shemariah 4, Shemeber 1, Shemer 2, Shemida 1, Shemiramoth 2, Shemuel 1, Shenazzar 1, Shephatiah 10, Shepho 1, Shephuphan 1, Sherah 1, Sherebiah 4, Sheresh 1, Sheshai 1, Sheshan 1, Sheshbazzar 1, Sheth 1, Shethar 1, Shetharbozenai 1, Sheva 2, Shilhi 1, Shillem 1, Shiloh 1, Shilshah 1, Shimea 3, Shimeah 1, Shimeath 1, Shimei 20, Shimeon 1, Shimon 1, Shimrath 1, Shimri 4, Shimrith 1, Shimron 1, Shimshai 1, Shinab 1, Shiphi 1, Shiphrah 1, Shiphtan 1, Shisha 1, Shishak 1, Shitrai 1, Shiza 1, Shobab 2, Shobach 1, Shobai 1, Shobal 3, Shobek 1, Shobi 1, Shoham 1, Shomer 2, Shophach 1, Shua 2, Shuah 2, Shual 1, Shubael 3, Shuham 1, Shuni 1, Shupham 1, Shuppim 1, Shuthelah 2, Sia 1, Sibbechai 1, Sidon 1, Sihon 1, Silas 1, Simeon 4, Simon 9, Sisamai 1, Sisera 2, Sithri 1, So 1, Soco 1, Sodi 1, Solomon 1, Sopater 1, Sophereth 1, Sosthenes 1, Sotai 1, Stachys 1, Stephanas 1, Stephen 1, Suah 1, Succothbenoth 1, Susanna 1, Susi 1, Syntyche 1, Tabbaoth 1, Tabeel 2, Tabitha 1, Tabrimon 1, Tahan 2, Tahash 1, Tahath 3, Tahpenes 1, Talitha 1 titleTalmai 2, Talmon 1, Tamar 3, Tammuz 1, Tanhumeth 1, Taphath 1, Tappuah 1, Tarea 1, Tarshish 3, Tartak 1, Tattenai 1, Tebah 1, Tebaliah 1, Tehinnah 1, Tekoa 1, Telah 1, Telem 1, Tema 1, Temah 1, Teman 2, Temeni 1, Terah 1, Teresh 1, Tertius 1, Tertullus 1, Thaddaeus 1, Theophilus 1, Theudas 1, Thomas 1, Tiberius 1, Tibni 1, Tidal 1, Tiglathpileser 1, Tikvah 2, Tilon 1, Timaeus 1, Timna 4, Timon 1, Timothy 1, Tiras 1, Tirhakah 1, Tirhanah 1, Tiria 1, Tirzah 1, Titius 1, Titus 1, Toah 1, Tobadonijah 1, Tobiah 2, Tobijah 2, Togarmah 1, Tohu 1, Toi 1, Tola 2, Trophimus 1, Tryphena 1, Tryphosa 1, Tubal 1, Tubalcain 1, Tychicus 1, Tyrannus 1, Ucal 1, Uel 1, Ulam 2, Ulla 1, Unni 2, Ur 1, Urban 1, Uri 3, Uriah 5, Uriel 3, Uthai 2, Uz 3, Uzai 1, Uzal 1, Uzza 4, Uzzah 1, Uzzi 7, Uzziah 5, Uzziel 5, Vaizatha 1, Vaniah 1, Vashni 1, Vashti 1, Vophsi 1, Yahweh 1, Zaavan 1, Zabad 7, Zabbai 2, Zabbud 1, Zabdi 4, Zabdiel 2, Zabud 1, Zaccai 1, Zacchaeus 1, Zaccur 8, Zadok 10, Zaham 1, Zalaph 1, Zalmon 1, Zalmunna 1, Zanoah 1, Zaphenathpaneah 1, Zattu 1, Zaza 1, Zebadiah 9, Zebah 1, Zebedee 1, Zebidah 1, Zebina 1, Zebul 1, Zebulun 1, Zechariah 31, Zedekiah 6, Zeeb 1, Zelek 1, Zelophehad 1, Zemira 1, Zenas 1, Zephaniah 4, Zepho 1, Zerah 7, Zerahiah 2, Zeresh 1, Zereth 1, Zeri 1, Zeror 1, Zeruah 1, Zerubbabel 1, Zeruiah 1, Zetham 1, Zethan 1, Zethar 1, Zeus 1, Zia 1, Ziba 1, Zibeon 2, Zibia 1, Zibiah 1, Zichri 11, Ziha 2, Zillah 1, Zillethai 2, Zilpah 1, Zimmah 3, Zimran 1, Zimri 5, Zion 1, Ziph 2, Ziphah 1, Ziphion 1, Zippor 1, Zipporah 1, Ziza 3, Zobebah 1, Zohar 2, Zoheth 1, Zophah 1, Zophai 1, Zophar 1, Zuar 1, Zuph 1, Zur 2, Zuriel 1, Zurishaddai 1.
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