Mongols disdained the sort of regular, patient toil practiced by Chinese farmers or traders, and scorned any work that could not be performed from horseback. Please support World History Encyclopedia. Khans ate much better, however. Some Mongolians regard it as a taboo to eat fish. Ten to fifteen large cupfuls is the daily allowance for a girl, but full-grown men take twice as much. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Children, they spend most of their time playing outside on the ground, which means they will cover by the whole of mud on their face and body. Such a diet based on protein leaves one full. The whey is prepared from sour skimmed milk, and is made into small dry lumps of cheese. It was 1991 when I first arrived in Mongolia after the collapse of communism. Cartwright, Mark. By the time we had eaten one hind quarter and were ready to cook up the bone in soup and get the marrow, I just had to get a picture of us holding the massive piece of broken bone, happy as larks. While a young officer in the Russian Army, Nikolai Przhevalsky had just two years earlier been sent by the RGS to survey new lands along the Amur and Ussuri Rivers in territory that had recently been ceded to Russia by China. Why do Mongolians drink horse milk? He was used to eating camels. Everything of the animal is eaten except the spleen. World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. They will drink from any mare, but the most sought after is a white mare. Please note that some of these recommendations are listed under our old name, Ancient History Encyclopedia. Likewise, traditional bakers worldwide never washed their wooden dough troughs in between bakings, and for the same reason: the stable cultures living in the crevices reliably produced the desired soured results, and the strength of the healthy culture deterred contamination by other microorganisms. I cooked my own breakfast and lunch, and ate supper with the family each day. In the summers, their animals produced a lot of milk so they switched the emphasis from meat to milk products. Retrieved from At these events, attended by both men and women, there was often a prescribed order of seating, eating and drinking, all depending on the seniority of the participants. In his book, Przhevalsky dedicated an entire chapter to the ethnology of the Mongols, and in his descriptions of the details of their dress, habits and daily life, the reader finds both the keen eye of the observer as well as the chauvinistic sensibilities of the modern European much influenced by the then-popular notion of social Darwinism. Article. Rubruck mentions that the Mongols made kumiss by using a great quantity of milk, which is as sweet as cows as long as it is fresh, they pour it into a big skin or bottle, and they set to churning it with a stick prepared for that purpose, and which is as big as a mans head at its lower extremity and hollowed out; and when they have beaten it sharply it begins to boil up like new wine and to sour or ferment.. What kind of clothing did people wear in medieval times? It is also used as a substrate for compound remedies, while urine has numerous medicinal uses as well. Cows teats are never washed before milking, nor are the vessels into which the milk is poured.. The warrior would stick the bag under his saddle and the heat from the friction of his body and the horses would cook the ingredients in the bag into a kind of stew. The adage was as true then as it was in ancient times, and for the Mongols who traveled thousands of miles to conquer and plunder, eating was a daunting task. Mongolian milk tea is made from a tea that comes in a brick form and a hammer is used to break off small pieces. As with all peoples, the Mongols diet depended greatly on where they lived. Before eating, the lamas and the more religious among the laity, after filling their cups, throw a little onto the fire or the ground, as an offering; before drinking they dip the middle finger of the right hand into the cup and flick off the adhering drops. In fact they eat flesh of any sort. The Ilkhanate (or Ilqanate, 1260-1335 CE) was that part of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. They have a remarkable way of killing their sheep: they slit up the creatures stomach, thrust their hand in, and seize hold of the heart, squeezing it till the animal dies. When it comes to white foods (anything made from milk), almost everything is heated due to the brucellosis problem within the country. The resulting dung from these animals will not prevent infection, they warn, but can actually cause it. Living as they did in an inhospitable climate, the Mongols ate foods they got from their animals. Whenever the family cut up the meat, they never wasted anything and always cherished the fat and bone marrow. The author mentioned that her grandmother possessed such a fanatical obsession with cleanliness that she had her kitchen floor resurfaced with fresh cow dung not weekly, or even daily, but after every single meal. While those who chose to surrender immediately often found the Mongols to be decent rulers, woe betide those who resisted. In this way, during the autumn and winter, all the camels of Northern and Eastern Mongolia are earning large profits for their owners. They are very hospitable. The father of my Mongolian host family went off to the countryside in October by which time it was cold enough for meat to stay frozen for the rest of the winter. The area fenced off for the introduction of the Przewalski horses has already regained a healthier plant species profile, noticeable by local nomad families themselves. The county that we live and work in during the summer produces hardly any mares milk, but if you go to the neighboring county it is very common. But he proved to be one of history's greatest leaders. . kumiss or airagh. This was their preferred drink and was made from mares milk. Still drunk today, it is often described as having a sour taste with an aftertaste of almonds. In the Russian version of Przhevalskys descriptions of pastureland it is clear that grass of poorest description indicates that the alpine species growing in this arid range are only centimeters high, as opposed to the waving grasses of the steppes of Russia. Milking the cows, churning butter, preparing their meals, and other domestic work, falls to the lot of the women. The latter type, generally called arqi by the Mongols, were typically made from many varieties of fruit and grains and could be wickedly strong, up to 60 proof in some cases. In the depth of winter, for a month at a time, they accompany the tea caravans. Qurut was typically fermented or boiled in milk and was another handy food for travellers and warriors. From this they make dried curd, cultured sour cream, white cream and yoghurt. We were sometimes successful in overcoming the scruples of one of the fair sex by a present of needles or red beads, but in such case she begged us to cover the vessel over when removing it from the yurta, in order that the heavens should not witness the wicked deed. Is it legal to eat horse meat in the United States? The very Mongol, born and bred amid frightful squalor, who could relish carrion, shuddered when he saw us eat duck lEuropenne. I may add that Mongols keep milk in the dirtiest way imaginable. (1247-1318) the Mongols killed more than 700 000 people in Merv and more than 1 000 000 in . I am Mongolian who works as a tour guide, especially on horseback travels all around in Mongolia. Isolated contemporary forays into the region by Christian missionaries produced largely inaccurate or incomplete information, although perhaps the most interesting of these was written by Evariste Huc, a French Lazarist missionary of the Roman Catholic Church who was sent with his brother missionary, Joseph Gabet, to evangelize the Mongols in 1844. Thank you for sharing all these information. What was the purpose of this scene? What did the Mongols eat and drink? His own certainty in the supremacy of the European race unfortunately clouds his understanding of aspects of Mongol culture that he nevertheless relates to the reader out of genuine interest and curiosity. What the Chinese soon learned is that their soldiers could not go as long as the Mongols due to their dependence on carbs. The impetus for this expedition was both political and scientific: recent uprisings among Muslim Tungans near the Chinese-Russian border exposed a weakness in Chinese authority, and the Russian government wanted Przhevalsky to reconnoiter these events. In the harsh steppe environment, nothing was wasted and even the marrow of animal bones was eaten with the leftovers then boiled in a broth to which curd or millet was added. Mongolians do not drink much water at all, but they do eat lots of fat. The diet of the Mongols was greatly influenced by their nomadic way of life with dairy products and meat from their herds of sheep, goats, oxen, camels, and yaks dominating. Drinking huge quantities of alcoholic beverages was a major pastime of the elite with the most popular tipple of everyone from the Great Khans to lowly shepherds being fermented mare's milk, which is still drunk today across the Eurasian steppe. Oxen, although not herded in great numbers, were also useful as a means to pull carts. World History Encyclopedia. If you It is procured from the Chinese, and the Mongols are so passionately fond of it that neither men nor women can do without it for many days. But now we know from our research that Mongolians are better able to absorb foods with more acid. did mongols eat humans. The staple traditional diet of meat, milk and flour saw many people through this crisis. The country has long been known for its nomadic lifestyle with families roaming the countryside herding their sheep, goats, yaks, camels and horses. (176-7). I rushed through the series and may have missed something but I don't remember the mongols using the giant vat of emulsified flesh. Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University. According to Marco Polo: According to the 13th-century traveler Price Foundation. With the return of April, the transport ceases, the wearied animals are turned loose on the steppe, and their masters repose in complete idleness for five or six months. Web. The most striking trait in their [the Mongols] character is sloth. Required fields are marked *. However, going back before any of them came to power, Genghis Khan and the Mongols . Since they didnt farm, they also didnt have many vegetables. In April 2009, two men from the city of Perm, Russia, killed and ate their brother. To learn more: and Yes, Mongolians do eat horse meat. The Mongolians prepare enough dairy products for the long winter and spring. I had heard (I think it was on 99% Invisible's episode on military rations) that the Mongols would also cure meat by putting it under their saddle, and the combination of pressure from above and salty horse sweat worked together to dry and cure the meat. + The Mongols were very particular about butchery. Ingredients: wolf leg, cut up; three large cardamons; 15 g of black pepper; 3 g of kansi [asafoetida]; 6 g of long pepper; 6 g of 'grain of paradise' [or small cardamons]; 6 g of turmeric; 3 g of saffron. so basically the mangos are barbarians and they kill people and eat meat. Modern Indian practitioners today caution that the medicinal and antiseptic qualities of cow dung have been deteriorating in recent years due largely to unnatural foodstuffs fed to the animals. Although many humans choose to eat both plants and meat, earning us the dubious title of "omnivore," we're anatomically herbivorous. Oh, they always do that! they will say. License. However, special occasions and feasts (see below) did warrant meat dishes to be served; horse meat was preferred, but usually, it was the cheaper option of mutton or lamb. Przhevalsky would learn to camp far from Chinese towns and closer to the Mongols, who were generally friendly and curious, and, once satisfied that the Russians were peaceful, would invite them inside their yurts for the ubiquitous cup of milk tea. what different things were they used for? Take a bath. Finally, on many a menu around the world one can find 'steak tartare' - uncooked minced beef or horse meat - and this has its origins in the Mongolian people, known (incorrectly) by many other nations in the Middle Ages as 'Tartars'. At that time they ate white food from milk products in the warmer months and meat and fat in the colder months. They add rock salt and milk to this which they heat in a togooa large wok-type pan that fits down into a round hole in all Mongolian woodstoves. Needless to say, I was not excited about camel soup! Nomads are also gatherers, and the Mongols collected useful dietary supplements such as wild vegetables, roots, tubers, mushrooms, grains, berries, and other fruit they came across in nature or via trade. Cartwright, Mark. My wife spent seven months of her first pregnancy in Mongolia. The lung has the most unique texture but it all grew on me pretty quickly. It would take too much wood to boil the drinking water, they say. Its one of the driving forces of evolution, yet its largely neglected in favor of competition.. Whenever we gave them anything they always divided it equally among all the members of their family, were it a lump of sugar, and the portion of each individual only a crumb. I think the reason for this is that it takes too much time and, more important, too much fuel. Id really like to be a part of group where I can get feedback from other knowledgeable It is estimated that the wars of the Mongol conquest might have killed up to 60 million people. Other than that, they serve as riding and transport animals; they are used both for the daily work of the nomads and in horse racing. World History Encyclopedia. We would much rather spend this money on producing more free history content for the world. Fresh cow dung has been used in Ayurvedic medicine and veterinary practice, applied to open wounds to speed healing, and in cases of psoriasis and eczema, to name but a few conditions for which it is prescribed. Cheese curds were commonly dried in the open air directly on the roofs of their gers. When republishing on the web a hyperlink back to the original content source URL must be included. Food & Drink in the Mongol Empire. The Mongols occupied oasis as permanent settlements. We contribute a share of our revenue to remove carbon from the atmosphere and we offset our team's carbon footprint. In Mongol heritage, spilling the blood of a royal or noble offended the sky god, Tengri, and defiled the Earth . The gluttony of this people exceeds all description. After living in the city for 6 months, I moved to a town in the countryside. While this is certainly shorter than America's 78 years or Japan's record 83, Mongolia is still a developing country with a GDP per capita of less than 1/10 of the US , and a very poor healthcare infrastructure. Their most famous defeat was in 1260 at the battle of Ain Jalut. Raw milk is not used.). The curds are made from the unskimmed milk, which is gently simmered over a slow fire, and then allowed to stand for some time, after which the thick cream is skimmed off and dried, and roasted millet often added to it. Eating certain parts of wild animals considered to have potent spirits such as wolves and even marmots was thought to help with certain ailments, too. What did Mongols eat? The Mongols were a nomadic, pastoral culture and they prized their animals: horses, sheep, camels, cattle and goats. . Although they had a reputation as simple warriors, the Mongol ruling family soon became the richest and most powerful clan on Earth. The diet of the Mongols was greatly influenced by their nomadic way of life with dairy products and meat from their herds of sheep, goats, oxen, camels, and yaks dominating. Lastly, the koumiss is prepared from mares or sheeps milk; all through the summer it is considered the greatest luxury, and Mongols are in the habit of constantly riding to visit their friends and taste the koumiss till they generally become intoxicated. Yes they were. Coffee and chocolate would have been virtually unknown among Russias majority peasant class.]. On the even darker side, they also allegedly ate human flesh when necessary. vegetables) is for animals.' Even killing the attached human if horses and already-dead people were in short supply. Learn how your comment data is processed. Perhaps I was starting to change from my ignorance that arose from western propaganda as to what is healthy and what is not. As Kublai Khan said, 'Meat is for men, grass (i.e. Where did the Mongols come from? Correct answer - Marco Polo's story reveals how the Mongol Empire united much of Europe and Asia. Horse milk Airag benefits I just talked to an 80-year-old and a 75-year-old and the only thing one of them said that I had not heard before was that they did use some of the bones to make a cow-lick. The mode of preparation is disgusting: the vessel in which the tea is boiled is never cleansed, and is occasionally scrubbed with argols, i.e. [141] On April 28, 2009, Angelo Mendoza Sr attacked his 4-year-old son, eating the boy's left eye and damaging the boy's right eye. A belief that a magical candle made from human fat, called a "thieves candle," could stupefy and paralyze a person lasted into the 1880s. Now considered an expert in equine ethology Feh, embarked on a risky adventure to raise a wild herd of Przewalski horses in the high terrain of the Massif Central in France. Discovered and introduced to Europe in the early 1870s, the Przewalski horseor takh, as it is known in Mongolianwas the last truly wild horse in the world. Orom is the cream that forms on top of boiled milk; aaruul are dried curds and can be seen baking in the sun on top of gers in the summer; eetsgii is the dried cheese; airag is fermented milk of mares; nermel, is the home-brewed vodka that packs a punch; tarag is the sour yogurt; shar tos, melted butter from curds and orom, and tsagaan tos, boiled orom mixed sometimes with flour, natural fruits or eetsgii. Special interests include art, architecture, and discovering the ideas that all civilizations share. Men, women and children essentially wore the same type of clothing, differentiated by . The photo above is of mare milk on the left and camel miik on the right. They will put a calf on the cow until the cow lets down her milk, and then they pull the calf off and milk the cow without any washing. 04 Mar 2023. So, not only would the hordes hit you drunk, they did it drunk on horse liquor and horse blood. Was there a convert in the making? Farming was not possible for the most part, so the most prominent foods in the Mongol diet were meat and milk products such as cheese and yogurt. The difficulties in buying milk are also very considerable, and nothing will induce them to sell it in cloudy weather. After women finished milking the cattle, goats and sheep, they would process the milk into milk curds, yogurts and airag. This is the first process, and it answers the same purpose as chocolate or coffee with us. [It should be noted that with us refers to Przhevalskys class of officer, members of the landed gentry and residents of the cosmopolitan capital of St. Petersburg. Fruit, vegetables, herbs, and wild game were added thanks to foraging and hunting. To soften the brick-tea, which is sometimes as hard as a rock, it is placed for a few minutes among hot argols, which imparts a flavor and aroma to the whole beverage. about in this article? It is then boiled and set aside from July to October or November. At the same time, Przhevalsky was a dedicated and talented naturalist, with great skills of observation. With the approach of autumn the Mongols throw off some of their laziness. At that time we had never heard of WAPF and ate the way we always had in Mongolia except for using the good local meat and milk products. Meat was either skewered and roasted over fire, or boiled into stews and soups. Tea and milk constitute the chief food of the Mongols all the year round, but they are equally fond of mutton. Some of the mainstays in the diet, apart from meat and fat, are yoghurt, cream that settles to the top after the milk is heated, (especially that of yaks, which have a high cream content), different types of dried curd, oil (made from yoghurt that is heated with a small amount of flour and milk tea added and heated until the oil separates and floats to the top), Mongolian milk tea and sagas. Morning and evening milk would be added to a continually fermenting mass. Dairy products were a major part of the Mongol diet. The nutrient-dense Wise Traditions diet can provide important protection against illness and can support recovery and healing. Some of the things they ate were mutton, milk, rice, flour, and yogurt. The result is vibrant health for every age of life, including the next generation. Their only occupation and source of wealth is cattle-breeding, and their riches are counted by the number of their livestock, sheep, horses, camels, oxen, and a few goatsthe proportion varying in different parts of Mongolia. Another use of the milk was turning it into an alcoholic drink known as Donkey meat was considered a good remedy for wind and depression while bear paws helped increase one's resistance to cold temperatures. The good news is that if you want to eat like our ancestors, you still can: Nuts, vegetables, fruit, and legumes are the basis of a healthy vegan lifestyle. Take in boiling water on an empty stomach. Were the Mongols good for humanity? Przhevalsky views the Mongols, although not without sympathy, as a subjugated and weakened people, whose glory days of the empire-building great warriors Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan are sadly long past. Not only do we pay for our servers, but also for related services such as our content delivery network, Google Workspace, email, and much more. Out of necessity Mongolians have found creative and ingenious ways to use the milk of all five of the domestic animals in the country: sheep, cattle, goats, camels and horses. The bones are licked clean and cracked for the sake of the marrow; the shoulder blade of mutton is always broken and thrown aside, it being considered unlucky to leave it unbroken. Thank you for your help! At that time you had to have a ration card to purchase food. The Mongols didn't have many other ways of preparing meat other than boiling while on campaign. Mongols didn't only not want to spill blood for royals, but for nobles as well. True or F You will receive a new password via e-mail. Not as much as beef or lamb meat. Nowadays quite a few people do not even eat the innards. Over the course of one decade the country has gone from a diet of largely grass-fed livestock with lots of animal fats and dairy products to one that includes lots of processed junk foods, some of which are now being produced in the country, and an ever-increasing use of vegetable oil. The Mongols are known in history for their animals, for their skill at hunting and for their toughness, as well as their ruthless and relentless persecution of settled farmers, especially those growing vegetables and fruit.