You were cut off as Stefan pressed his lips to yours, sparking feelings you didn't even know existed. After he left Mexico, Stefan traveled to Chicago in 1922. Caroline and Stefan have a moment on the porch before Caroline tells her mom about her weekend experiment. Killed by Damon tells him that he killed Rayna several times but she only has eight lives. Damon says that he knows that but he's hoping that Elena will be so wasted on booze and blood that she won't even think about it but his little brother disagrees and advises him not to underestimate her. Stefan throws the dagger, again undoing the cloaking spell on the house hitting a piece of wood on the exterior of the house. She asks Stefan why he's inflicting so much pain on himself for such a hateful person. He then calls Elena and Damon and tells them there are three hostages in the Grill, having heard Matt and April's voices as well as Jeremy's. Elena seems confused by his reaction and he later tells her that she is better than Damon, that she is better than both of them. He tells that he will meet with her in the car and leaves. In The Cell, Stefan took in Katherine and decided to watch over her so he could make sure she didn't kill herself. He's worried about Ivy making herself a target for Tripp if she doesn't learn how to control herself. Damon understands why Stefan was being nice to Katherine. After Johnathan had left, Stefan went inside to talk to his father one last time, who was shocked to see that Stefan was "alive." Klaus offers him a deal to save Damon from a werewolf bite: he will become his right-hand man, leaving everything including Elena and Klaus will cure Damon. But she is not alone, Enzo and Caroline arrive right behind her. As he drives to bury Silas, Lexi is with him and they talk about where Stefan will go and Lexi tells him that Elena will always be his epic love and he will find another, but he has to let go and move on. A detective then approached him, showed him a sketch of Nik and Rebekah and asked if he had ever seen them before. Caroline and Stefan are talking privately as they walk to a separate section, where Sloan and the other Travelers are. Gloria later says that what she saw in her vision bothered her, that the girls she saw were talking about him. They're about to leave but Caroline asks him if they are friends, she is still upset because she thinks that Stefan doesn't trust her and if he trusts Elena more. So, unless you're gonna stake me, why don't you get the hell out of my house. She says that it was the worst day of her life, and that Damon told her it was all her fault and that she deserves it. Elena is still with Stefan and Qetsiyah in the cabin. He is the younger brother of Damon Salvatore. Stefan tried to get Katherine to spill why she was there, ignoring her flirting. When he returns, they clink glasses before Charlotte arrives, with a bloody corpse in her arms. Emily Bennett then approached Stefan and told him that Katherine had her make that ring for him (and Damon) weeks before. Stefan breaks up with Caroline some time before Valerie and Stefan begin a romantic relationship. Over dinner, Caroline and Enzo interrogate Stefan through polite dinner conversation. During this time, he begins to grow close to Elena again and they are able to form a close friendship. This is news to Stefan, and Damon explains that he intends to teach Elena how to feed from humans without killing them, and that Elena needs to learn "snatch, eat, erase" now more than ever. Stefan lets the water run in the sink so that he could prevent Elena from hearing their conversation. She tries another tactic, compelling him to have a heart attack. Stefan says that she had him but the elder Salvatore disagrees by saying that her brother just died and he's not enough, not this time. Klaus says that he will share these secrets with Stefan if he does Klaus a favor: he wants Stefan to persuade Rebekah to come to the house. Later, after Elena has left, Caroline arrives at the boarding house at Stefan's request, and he shares his concerns with her about being able to help Elena enjoy being a vampire, when he himself has so much trouble keeping a balance between enjoyment and becoming the Ripper. Even though she chose Damon in Season 4, Stefan was still in love with Elena. Both of them looked very happy, they kissed and confessed love for each other. Both Stefan and Matt, with the rest of the police find the bodies. Stefan tells Elena that he wouldn't let Qetsiyah hurt her. Later Stefan tells Damon to stop treating Andie Star like that. He asks if Jeremy is interested in making Elena human again and he agrees, following Stefan deeper into the cellar to reveal the fugitive who is tied up and in transition. Damon gets angry with Stefan when he realizes that Stefan stopped him from killing Klaus in order to save his life again. He was clearly frightened of her, saying that her face resembled that of a demon and also told her to get away from him. Stefan and Valerie eventually get back together again once Stefan is forced to go on the run with her, from Rayna Cruz. Back out of the dream, watching over Elena, Caroline asks Stefan if he'll be okay because she won't. As a reward, Caroline gets to sing karaoke. In Prayer For the Dying, Stefan joins the party to discover Colin's now a vamp. Presently, Stefan asks Lily why she sent Valerie to check on him all those years ago. However, on the show, Stefan and Damon were best friends since their human lives and became rivals later on. Neither CPR nor the paddles bring her back. As a human, Stefan was compassionate, kind, noble, honorable, intelligent, athletic, responsible, academic, dutiful, and a gentleman. He was the kind of person who tries to protect and save everyone at the same time. Overwhelmed and shocked, Stefan tried to help him, but Giuseppe refused him, disgusted by what Stefan was becoming. In Blood Brothers, Stefan felt really guilty about all the things he had done and thinks that Damon did was his fault since he forced Damon to turn into a vampire. Minutes later, Stefan has a conversation with Elena who has come to speak with Damon, but Stefan refuses to let her see his big brother, she then asks him what was he doing with Rebekah-she's the one that tried to kill her. Damon intuits that it's a trap and very quietly warns everyone not to move. Most of the deaths were in the present, but there were a few that took place in 1864 during flashbacks and they were included in the total, but will be distinguished from present day deaths. Stefan apologizes to Matt who doesn't really want to hear it from Stefan. Stefan scrutinizes the special bullets, intrigued by the etchings on them. Damon has to go and leaves Elena and Stefan alone, and they talk about their family tragedies. They sip their drinks for a moment before Elena addresses the tension between them. Even after Damon voices his opinion to Elena herself, Stefan and Elena leave for their camping trip as planned. Stefan says that he knows she would do that, why not manipulate people with sex and that this is the same trick Katherine used to pull. He gives Stefan until the end of the day to be gone from town. It is Stefan who is telling the story and the story is from his point of view; Stefan is the main male lead of the series and the deuteragonist of the series. He met Lexi in New Orleans and she got him to feed on animal blood. Elena goes down the well in order to find the cure while Stefan is helping his big brother. However he says that he's sure that this filing system goes by birth date and he can't remember when was Katherine's birthday. He is invited to the party that Caroline and Elena are organizing but he refuses to go to the party. Tyler tells him to run as Stefan pours gas all over his Porsche. After leaving Enzo he calls Elena (Katherine) and tells her that he wants to talk with her and Katherine invites him on Bitter Ball, although at first he refuses then accepts her offer. She tells Stefan angrily that she thought she could trust him. Stefan just gets up and walks away. She flashes back to the day she became a vampire, when Matt's truck fell into the river under Wickery Bridge, Stefan suddenly cowers in pain. When Katherine went to see Stefan that night and bit him so that she could feed on his blood as a form of foreplay, the vervain within Stefan's blood had poisoned and incapacitated her. Klaus attacks him. Stefan explains that this is his home and he's not going anywhere. While they're talking, she's looking at her hands and asks him if her hand looks wrinkled to him. Stefan and Lexi head to the Grill to find Alaric, but still see no sign of him. Stefan describes himself as a loner and doesn't feel that he always fits in. Stefan was the youngest child of Giuseppe Salvatore and Lillian Salvatore. Stefan tells Damon he thinks he was wrong, he definitely feels something for Caroline. Satisfied with Elena's reasons, Stefan reminds her to be careful, as it's easy to get caught up in the feed. According to Caroline Forbes, Stefan's favorite color is blue. Unlike Damon, Stefan had a very close relationship with his father Giuseppe and Stefan was Giuseppe's favorite son. [7] This stuck true to Memories' Stefan's pattern soon after he became a vampire. Klaus elaborates that Rebekah had in fact been in love with the hunter, and during that time had learned many of the brotherhood's secrets. Connor shoots Jeremy before Elena tackles him. He admits that he was searching as a distraction, but eventually he had given up too. He had reacted calmly to being told he killed his own father, and showed no reaction being informed he had murdered Honoria Fell while walking past her gravestone. Stefan jokes, saying, "Who gave you that horrible advice?" In Bringing Out The Dead, Stefan makes sure that the fourth coffin is safe and wants Bonnie and her mom to open it. Caroline suggests that all of them dance together but Elena refuses. Elena says that he's bluffing but Stefan reminds her that he also had his switch flipped in this town too and he knows where to take someone to have a good time. In Founder's Day, when the tomb vampires was about to attack the during the Founder's Day festival,, Stefan was affected by the device when John Gilbert started it like all other vampires in town. Stefan rushes over and manages to push him off of her. As their relationship progressed, he discovered her vampiric nature and became frightened of her. When Stefan returned home to Mystic Falls after many years, he unexpectedly "met" Elena on May 23, 2009, after he heard Elena and her parents' car accident while he was out at Wickery Bridge. He is shown to wake up in the back of a truck, where Klaus welcomes him back to Mystic Falls - to find out what Stefan is hiding. Stefan is later seen with Caroline and he finds Bonnie injured and hurt and finds out that she linked herself to Katherine, Caroline says she'll stay with her and Bonnie unlinks Katherine, Stefan stops Elena from killing Katherine and threatens her to leave before he kills her and Elena is angry at Stefan and asks him why did he save Katherine and he said that she was linked to Katherine so if she died Bonnie would die as well, Elena doesn't believe him asks Stefan if he still has feelings for Katherine he said it wasn't about her it about Jeremy and he also explains that killing Katherine won't take the pain away its a distraction just like beating up cinder-blocks and turning off her humanity and that loss is a part of the deal of being a vampire and the he was alive for a 163 years and he lost more lovers than he can count and it keeps hurting every single time and that Elena needs to face her grieve and he says he can help her but she refuses and punches him in the face and said it was like the cinder-block nothing. He didn't kill people, he only drank animal blood. Tyler tells Stefan that Caroline slept with Klaus, Stefan looks surprised to her and Caroline is embarrassed and leaves. he pushes Stefan, they begin to discuss and Caroline sneaks behind him and attempts to snap his neck, but he catches her in the act. When she sees Stefan with Jeremy's body she suddenly stops talking and looks at the younger Salvatore. Katherine says that she doesn't want to, because she wants to see him. Rebekah admits that Stefan is actually fun tonight and he responds that he can't listen to the 80's music without thinking of Lexi. Suddenly, something barrels against the wall, shattering a window in the house Stefan is leaning on while making his phone call, Stefan tells to Damon that the Travelers drained their blood, so they are having to do a little hunting. Klaus congratulates him about the Mystic Falls evacuation and for saving human lives. He explains to her that even if killing Enzo won't bring Ivy back, he thinks it'll help him get over Damon and he will be able to leave Mystic Falls. After that Stefan calls Klaus to come to the Salvatore boarding house where the original hybrid meets with Caroline and starts pissing her off. When they all receive the news of Damon being captured by Tripp, they all go at the Mystic Fall entrance. The car stops and Elena approaches the car, she sees a women in the driver's seat, Stefan catches her gaze and tries to compel her to give them a ride, but that woman is Maria a Traveler who helped them, she says them that the travelers and Markos are coming for them. Stefan is very quick, intelligent and has an excellent memory. Tyler takes Matt to Elena at the hospital, but Matt refuses her blood. Stefan states that he can't go back to feeling after everything he has done. Before turning into a vampire in 1864, Stefan was seen to be happy, optimistic, light-hearted, playful, mischievous and naive. Stefan is the twin flame of Elena Gilbert, the younger brother of Damon . It's his brother when he turns around, Damon returns unexpectedly and asks why his house is now occupied by a bunch of Heretics. Stefan remembers that the hunter had werewolf venom, and Elena must have been poisoned with it. From the hospital, Elena calls Stefan, worried that her feelings will come back for Damon if she sees him. Stefan is saddened when he hears that Elena chose Damon. As Tyler begins to transform, Stefan quickly ushers Caroline and Elena out. They go to the diner where Elena is waiting for them. So Elena decides to impersonate Katherine and go to the meeting while Rebekah stays with the older doppelgnger. In I Alone, Damon confesses to Stefan about what he did to Alaric. Stefan and Damon find Bonnie attacking Elena and Stefan tells Bonnie to stop and that she's killing Elena, Bonnie says that she knows what she's doing Stefan says that the magic talking and that's her best friend and Elena begs Bonnie to stop and she does Stefan asks her if she's okay she says that she's not and that she almost died and her best friend almost killed her and none of this okay and Stefan injects Elena with vervain and says "Plan B", later Stefan and Damon lock Elena in the cellar and Damon says that she's going to feel that in the morning and Stefan asks "what is the plan?" Stefan and Damon later join Elena in the woods, where she is digging a grave for Connor's body. When he says he wants to talk to Caroline, Elena invites Stefan to the party. She asks Stefan and Klaus if it's a trick, wondering aloud how this hunter could be one of The Five if he doesn't have the tattoo. But Stefan has other things on his mind. Stefan reveals that he stopped drinking human blood since the night he threatened to drive Elena off of Wickery Bridge. Going by flashbacks, it is evident that Stefan was also Giuseppe's favorite son, and that Stefan had a rather close and good relationship with his father, the complete opposite of Damon, who appeared to have had a rather strained and tension-filled relationship with Giuseppe. In The Five, Stefan finds Damon in the living room unpacking boxes. Caroline reluctantly agrees. Stefan is with Nora as she is making her costume for the Whitmore party him and Caroline invited her and Mary Louise to as a distraction. When Stefan and Elena arrive at the party, it seems that most of the school is already there. That's probably why she stole the cure-she wants to bargain it for her freedom. Flashback again and Stefan is taking Valerie to Lily's grave. Later, Stefan arrives with Jeremy at the Lockwood mansion and incapacitates Chris with a stake. While they wait they take room in hotel so they could shower, and Katherine flirts with him and then kisses him until Stefan breaks it, telling her that it is wrong, because she just broke up with Damon. Later, Stefan joins Caroline, Alaric and Matt at Whitmore and confesses to them that he handed over Enzo to Tripp. Katherine was the one who transformed both of the Salvatore brothers into vampires. After that, they give Elena their house to protect her from vampires. Salvatore Family, Forbes Family, Mystic Falls Gang, Mystic Falls High School. Stefan is of slightly above average height, about 5'11", and he has a lean, flat-muscled and athletic physique. Status Enzo lets go to Bonnie, and tells Liv to take her to the second floor, he gets a wooden stick and he throws it at Stefan's chest, Stefan screams in pain. She writes a note to her daughter Nadia. Stefan reveals that he can't because he hates himself for what he did to her. As Damon tells him of the time when he let Stefan go to war alone, for his own good rather than joining him, Stefan looks shocked. Over a century later, in the episode Rose, Stefan apologizes to Damon for betraying him and admits that he was selfish by getting Damon to complete his transition. When Stefan and Damon enter a room alone, Silas appears, Damon breaks Stefan's neck so that Silas can take his identity and talk to Qetsiyah. Stefan was very close to Lillian as a child, so much that Damon himself even referred to Stefan as being a "mama's boy". Stefan ignores her warning and goes straight to saying what he should have said at her mom's funeral in hopes that it'll will her to turn her humanity back on. Stefan answers that he doesn't know-probably enjoy the part and keep Elena from butchering Grove hill's cheerleading squad. Stefan has lost consciousness. Stefan tells that the other side is falling apart and he think it's allowing Enzo to mess with them. This seems to effect Stefan. I don't wanna drag her down with me. Klaus convinces Stefan that he needs to help him dagger Kol because then Damon will be free, Jeremy will live and they'll be able to find the cure. He asks her if she had fed on the cheerleader and she says that maybe she had. She says while he was drowning she was having the summer of her life, she got everything she wanted, even Bonnie and she needs to know that he's ok too. In that moment he interrupts her and says that he remembers driving to Portland and saying goodbye to Lexi as he was about to drop Silas' body at the quarry. Damon tries to wake him but it doesn't work. As they run, Elena suddenly starts choking on water. Stefan tells her to close her eyes, that he's come to say goodbye. Caroline tells him that Damon is off the rails and all his victims are decapitated and their skin is desiccated, which leads Stefan to conclusion that Damon is feeding on vampires. However, the origin of the tattoo, its significance and when Stefan got the tattoo was all unknown. Elena gets up on her feet and twists Liv's arm, they say that the spell started, dozens of Travelers have gathered and are chanting in unison, suddenly, Stefan and Elena's daylight rings stop working. She's so upset she suggests he just leave, and he does. Stefan goes to where all Klaus' family members coffins are held, and almost opens one before Rebekah comes in. He asks her to invite him in, and after she does he embraces her, comforting her as she cries. In Woke Up With a Monster, Stefan wakes to find the mansion in a strange state. Elena and Stefan talk about the cure and Elena says that she can't take it if it's only one dose. Giuseppe retorted with disgusted disapproval that their mother would have been extremely disappointed in her sons, were she alive to see what they had become. Caroline then gets up to say thank you to everyone that came, and then began to sing "Go In Peace". They also talk about Elena and Rebekah says that she wouldn't compel him to forget her, not because she want's him to suffer, but because she has realized that love and caring ruins people She adds that they had fun in the 20s because they didn't care, they just did what felt good-drinking, feeding, sex. Stefan later kills Galen Vaughn when he is threatening Damon. Julian beat her up until she miscarried Stefan and Valerie's conceived-child and forced her to come back with him to London, England. Caroline encourages it. She tries to attack Meredith but Stefan holds her tight. Stefan says that it's not that easy anymore but Damon says that right now it is and that he needs to go down the well. He thinks it won't work because he's never heard of anyone doing it. The episode ended with Stefan and Caroline drinking margaritas. Stefan Salvatore was one of the two main male protagonists of The Vampire Diaries. Enzo tells to Stefan and Caroline that they will find another doppelgnger of Stefan and that he don't know the Traveler lore, he also says that the last remaining pair of doppelgngers are special. After hearing of the town's plan to kill the vampires, Stefan went to see his father Giuseppe and unintentionally hinted to him that he knew of vampires staying in Mystic Falls when he suggested that vampires might not be as bad as they are made out to be. Stefan's compelled everyone in the bar so Ray is all alone - and refusing to give up the location of his pack. Stefan agrees to deal with Rebekah's body and compel Jeremy to forget the day's events, as well as keep mum about the cure, while Klaus travels to Italy to retrieve the sword. Later Stefan contemplates turning the switch off until a vision of Elena convinces him to keep on fighting. Caroline shares her concern about Elena with Stefan, and he explains that Elena is channeling all her emotion to rage, and that she'll learn to deal with it better. Now she's human again. Anywhere," that he's to slit her carotid artery. The girl, Bridget, was healed by the little blood Stefan could spare and her father insisted on giving Stefan room in his household, even though Stefan appeared to be a vagrant. el_in_the6ix 2 yr. ago Caroline asks Stefan how he feels about living in Dallas but has to get off the phone to deal with the babies. Sloan takes the blade and cuts Stefan's hand with it, catching the falling blood in a round bowl. One point for Matt. That night, Stefan and Valerie meet secretly and Stefan is sure Julian will kill him for being with Valerie. They go to a bar and Stefan asks for Elena's daylight ring then and then gets down on one knee and proposes to Elena Williams (an alternate identity). Otherwise, I don't need to know, I don't want to know.". They make small talk about what will happen next with the Council. it is the one weakness that cannot be beaten down, and that she loves Damon, despite early comments. Damon says that she was scared thinking that she Bonnie was going to kill her, Stefan says fear and Damon says its a pesky human emotions and Stefan says that's plan C make her life a living hell Damon talks about Silas and Stefan says that he still needs Bonnie and that she's no pushover and she's not going to let him manipulate her anymore, Damon said not underestimate his talents because he fooled both of them and as Stefan closes the door to the cellar Damon asks how did Silas get to him Stefan says that he lead him out to the woods claiming he saw Silas and staked him Stefan asks Damon how did Silas get to him, Damon jokes and says that he talked about his hair and he figured it had to be Stefan, Stefan replies "funny" and looks at Elena and Damon asks if he's coming Stefan says "Yeah" and leaves. At the end of the episode they show Stefan as he is about to bury Silas. Stefan explains to Tyler and Caroline that the bullets were specially carved, and that if he were a normal vampire instead of a hybrid, he would be dead. In the novels, Stefan is an aristocrat and comes from a wealthy, noble family. Mary Louise arrives and tries to kill another Whitmore student. Alaric then calls Jo before she collapses. Stefan hops on his bike, only for it to fall to pieces. Stefan was a 171-year-old cured vampire and the distant descendant and doppelgnger of Silas. Elena says that she was hungry and she gets out of bed and starts undressing in front of him. Stefan then offered her to have dinner with him that night. Elena then wakes up looking to them a bit confused, it is then revealed that Katherine injected Elena's body with the enhanced Ripper Compound that Wes had made making Elena a vampire ripper just like Damon. Stefan's aliases and nicknames include Stefan Pine, Shady Stefan, Silent Stefan, Stef, Ripper of Monterrey, Scholarly Stefan, Savior Stefan and Saint Stefan. In Homecoming, Stefan participates in the plan to kill Klaus, luring him to Mystic Falls by saying that Mikael is dead (in fact he was dead as Elena daggered him so Stefan could inform Klaus of this and not have Klaus' compulsion stop him from lying.) Stefan keeps an eye on Sheriff Forbes and he is approached by Elena. Elijah wants to talk with his sister but Stefan says that she's not with him and that everything will be ok as long as Katherine hands over the cure. Stefan however says that it's neither of them. He calls out to Andie, who is up high on a beam in the studio roof. He almost always respects women's (namely Elena) choices and decisions, even if he doesn't agree with them. He tells her he had to move on after two months of searching. Elena and Damon then locked Stefan up in the basement to try to get him back to normal. Elena explains that Kol compelled Damon to kill Jeremy because the original doesn't want them to wake Silas and they are in the tunnels and she can't seem to find them so she needs help. Now every time he closes his eyes he sees Silas' stabbing him, he could feel himself drowning and he needs to make it stop or he'll go insane and turn his humanity off. Valerie reveals that Lily was the one that gave Kai the idea to put Elena under the sleeping spell. Stefan responds saying that he has been trying to fight off the "ripper" part of himself but that now that he has accepted it, it can't control him. He scoffs when she says she fought through her grief over Bonnie all by herself. Significant kills Damon explains that he confiscated Connor's belongings from his RV after he and Klaus killed him, and that he's looking for clues that might explain who Connor was and what he was after.
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